Reflection Essay

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In the summer of 2014, I was one of twelve students from around the country selected for a premedical internship that focused on adult nephrology. During this internship, I observed physicians at Methodist Specialty and Transplant Hospital in San Antonio, TX. The internship reaffirmed my desire to become a physician and provided me with several reasons that this is the correct career path for me. When I arrived, I was eager to spend my summer observing as many surgeries as I could. I thought that my time spent in the OR would be my favorite part about my internship. Now, two years later, when thinking about what impacted me the most, it is not the many surgeries that I observed that come to mind. Instead, it is the countless times that I watched doctors light up a patient’s face, the relationship that the patients had with their doctors, and the positive impact that doctors had on their patients each day. Spending time in the clinic and on rounds, were my favorite parts, because I interacted …show more content…

Improving others’ lives has always been important to me. During my undergraduate education, I volunteered with Big Brothers and Big Sisters. In this program, I met up with a little girl once weekly afterschool and we would talk about her week, do activities, and just enjoy each other’s company. I loved that I was a mentor and provided stability to a little girl that does not have many stable adults in her life. I have also helped my peers in college by providing tutoring through a program for first generation freshmen and students of color. This program is important to me, because I got to help students achieve success in challenging courses. These experiences will help me be a great physician, because they have taught me to appreciate people that are different than me, have helped me gain patience, and have provided me with skills it takes to help

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