How Does Ebenezer Scrooge Change In A Christmas Carol

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Ebenezer Scrooge A Christmas carol is a loved fictional book written by Charles Dickens, published on December 19 1843, written in the Victorian era. Dickens wrote the book partly to show the tough times for children in that era. A Christmas carol has also been very popular with movie adaptations. The book revolves around a character named Ebenezer Scrooge. Ebenezer gets a visit by three ghosts in one night: the ghost of Christmas past (who shows scrooge his past childhood and adulthood), the ghost of Christmas present (who shows scrooge what 's going on with people around him) and the ghost of Christmas yet to come (who shows Scrooge what could happen to his future if he does not change his ways). Scrooge the main character of …show more content…

"If they would rather die," said Scrooge, "they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population." This show his coldness towards other people. He spent every Christmas alone as a child, his girlfriend left him broken hearted, his business partner and friend, Marley, dies so Ebenezer became a man alone, his emotions almost shut off without a care for people (especially the poor). He was so consumed with his money that he neglected the people around him. As the novel progresses Scrooge receives visits from the three ghosts. He attends different times in his life with the spirits in one night. Throughout Ebenezer Scrooge’s momentous night, he frequently felt pain: the pain of having been a lonely boy, the pain of his broken engagement, the pain of suffering poor people and children, the pain of his own wasted life. He was scared that if he did not change he will be the alone and an unmissed old man he had seen in the future. This forces Scrooge to face his greediness and selfishness, which causes him to change and propelled him along a life-changing path, becoming more sensitive to those he had

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