Persuasive Essay On Healthcare Insurance

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Last November I fought with many, employees, at Martin Luther King Hospital with my son of only six months burning up with a fever of 105 degrees Fahrenheit in my arms. Each minute wasted by Doctors, Nurses, and security all who could have saved my son’s life.The doctors told me they could not provide the care my son needed in order to survive, for one reason, because, my insurance was not approved. As my son started to seize in my very arms the doctors and nurses still could not do anything for me, or my son, they told me he needed an antibiotic immediately. I stormed out of that Hospital and had to transfer my son by myself to another hospital. I definitely learned how flawed American healthcare was that day. Having Healthcare Insurance …show more content…

Whereas in the United States, “Obamacare, depends on your job or income.If you lose your job or lose your income, and you might lose your existing health insurance or have to settle for lesser coverage(Ralph Nader).” With Obamacare the list of doctors are strict that you are allowed to visit, which is a big issue for many American.In Canada, “you can freely choose your doctors and hospitals and keep them. There are no lists of in-network vendors and no extra hidden charges for going out of network.(Ralph Nader)” Canadians say it is unheard of for anyone to go bankrupt from healthcare cost unlike in America where healthcare drives many Americans to the plague of …show more content…

France is a lot like the United States in a couple of aspects such as the French want choices just like Americans do. Another aspect is “France, like the United States, relies on both private insurance and government insurance. Also, just like in America, people generally get their insurance through their employer(Joseph Sharpiro).” France has a National Insurance Program that is mostly funded from income taxes and payroll that helps with any medical expense. For example,“ when someone goes to see a doctor, the National Insurance Program pays 70 percent of the bill. Most of the other 30 percent gets picked up by supplemental private insurance, which almost everyone has. It 's affordable, and much of it gets paid for by a person 's employer(Joseph Sharpiro).” Comparing the French of France to other people in other countries you will see that the French live longer and healthier, the reason is because quality care starts from before birth.France has systems that help the mother out during pregnancy and after the birth of their baby. “There are months of paid job leave for mothers who work. New mothers get a child allowance to start their baby 's life out the right way. There are even neighborhood health clinics for new mothers and their babies, home visits from nurses and subsidized day care(Joseph Sharpiro). ” The French really have it figured out from the start of any baby’s life.Yes, in France you would have to

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