Tap Vs Tap Water

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Conversations often turn into arguments when the topic of bottled water versus tap water comes up. Many say that tap water is simply unsafe while others argue that the chemicals in the plastic bottles release toxic or harmful substances into our bodies as well as the environment. However, some humans consume water from public water systems, personal wells, or even bottled water; whichever is most convenient for each particular lifestyle. Some of many reasons why tap water is the more logical choice are that it is cost-effective, suitable for the environment, and healthier for human consumption. Tap water is cost effective for various reasons. Each individual who chooses tap water is choosing to save money. For multiple reasons it mostly …show more content…

Many argue the fact that commercialized labeled brands of bottled water have offered choices to people that tap water does not. Although most people often rely on these particular brands of bottled water, most are unaware that some companies are simply using unfiltered-tap water at a much higher charge. Bottled water is averagely sold either individually or in packs of 24 or more at your local grocery store ranging from three to five dollars. This is a high cost not just to one’s pocket but to our waste and …show more content…

Think about our health, saving money and giving a helping hand to earth by providing less landfill. Remember, almost all water bottles go un-recycled and eliminating these while convincing others to do so will put a stop to our precious ocean contamination. Stop providing money to random companies that bearly test their water systems. Thus help your community to use this money towards helping support a variety of different initiatives, such as improving the water projects in your local water department. Ultimately bottled water is known for causing health issues; so why risk our well-being? Needless to say, the damage these plastic bottles cause should not to be taken lightly in any manner. Lastly, although bottled water may get the job done if you are in a hurry, keep in mind that alternatively by selecting tap water you are doing yourself and the world a huge

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