Villian Essays

  • Dracula

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  • Is Satan A Villian Or A Hero

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    Satan: Hero or Villian If I was to ask people on the street about Satan I doubt many would call him a hero. This has been an argument among readers of “Paradise Lost” for decades. At first Satan can be seen as a hero but throughout the story it becomes more and more obvious that he is anything but. Before being able to decide if Satan truly is a hero or not, you must look at both sides. A hero by definition is a person noted for courageous acts or nobility of character. Some people will say he is

  • Is Stalin a Hero or a Villian

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    In 1930, if one were to walk down a street in Russia, propaganda of Stalin and the Soviet Union would be hung everywhere, but there would be a rotten smell of death, some from murder,some from famine. Factory smoke coming from large buildings,the people inside, crammed in tight, working hard for hours on end. After Lenin died in 1924, Stalin seized complete control of the Soviet Union, making changes as he pleased. He set up new goals, and objectives that kept the people working harder and harder

  • Louis Riel as a Hero or Villian

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    Louis Riel as a Hero or Villian The story of Louis Riel began on October 28th 1844. He was born in a log cabin beside Seine Lake. The same priest who married his parents one year earlier baptized Louis on his day of birth. Many people view Louis Riel as the biggest pioneer of Metis in Canadian history. They base their decision on the fortresses he took and his position in Metis organizations. Others call him a joke and despise him. They base this on him being taken to trial for treason and eventually

  • John Brown as the Villian or Hero

    1962 Words  | 4 Pages

    John Brown as the Villian or Hero Brown's attack on Harper's Ferry affected American culture more than can ever be understood. Tension between the North and South was building in the 1850's. Slavery among many other things was dividing the country into two sections. Brown was executed on December 2, 1859 for his murderous out-lash on society. Was his mind so twisted and demented that he would commit cold-blooded murder? The answer is no. John Brown was a man with a goal and a purpose.

  • The Villian Iago in Shakespeare´s Othello

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    Throughout Othello, Iago is the most prominent and perplexing villian in Shakespearean history. His redeeming qualies enables him to allure the characters such as Roderigo, Cassio and Othello through his morality. As an audience we are introduced to his contempt and his hunger for revenge despite his lack of proof. Iago symbolizes evil and brutality. So what makes him a crucial character in the play. His understanding of manipulation and his brilliance makes him an important role in the play since

  • Heroes and Villians in Daily Life

    524 Words  | 2 Pages

    Heroes and Villains Typically when we think of heroes and villains we think of heroes like Superman, Batman, or the Doctor and villains like the Joker, Walter White, Professor Moriarty , or weeping angels but truth is there are heroes and villains in everyday life, but to find these heroes we must first find out what a hero is. Webster dictionary defines a hero as “a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities” or “an illustrious warrior.” In this essay I’m going to focus on the first.

  • A Typical Victorian Villian in The Speckled Band

    2516 Words  | 6 Pages

    Coursework-The Speckled Band How does Conan Doyle present Dr. Grimesby Roylott as a typical Victorian Villain. Having now read this book I feel I am now able to complete this essay about Roylott. The main constituents of a typical classic murder mystery invariably consist of a body, a motive, a weapon, a suspect, an alibi and a detective. Conan Doyle’s,The Speckled Band demonstrates all those typical characteristics. I am now going to briefly summarise the story and identify each of the

  • Shylock as a Villian or Victim in The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare

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    Shylock as a Villian or Victim in The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare The Merchant Of Venice is the story of Antonio, a merchant, borrowing money from Shylock, a Jewish moneylender, in order to fund his best friend Bassanio’s romantic ambitions. Like the majority of the habitants of Venice, Antonio is Christian. At the time of the play, the sixteenth century, there was a huge abhorrence against those who were not Christian. As Antonio needed money quickly he had no alternative

  • The Joker Research Paper

    652 Words  | 2 Pages

    If a villian is successful at what he does he will become famous for all the bad things that he has done. My favorite villian in all the movies that i have watched would be the joker in batman. The joker is an opposite figure from the hero because he loves to cause pain and suffering to all the people around him as the hero likes to save people and do good deeds for all the citizens. Joker has the characteristics of a crazy person that make him such a great villian. He doesnt care if anyone gets

  • The Big Bad Wolf Research Paper

    675 Words  | 2 Pages

    His big eyes and scary looking teeth are definity frighting but is the big bad wolf really that bad? The big bad wolf is not the villian in the story. You never hear the big bad wolf’s version of story, you just hear about the accusations being made about him. With only that information it isn’t a fair statement to call him the villian. Wolves are an animal and it is completley normal for animals to hunt for their prey. Instead of focusing on all the negative stories about the Big Bad Wolf, there

  • The Character of Macbeth in Shakespeare's Play

    970 Words  | 2 Pages

    Macbeth is no exception. Using the Aris Totle tragic pattern the audience witness Macbeth's downfall from his height of happiness and power (Hubris) to a low bloodthirsty killer (Nemesis). The Audience of that era and even today love to hate the villian, in this case Macbeth. In the beggining the audience see Macbeth as a 'brave' and loyal warrior, who had just defeated the Nowegians, everyone was celebrating. In Act 1 Scene 3 Macbeth, accompanied by Banquo, comes across three witches and

  • Batman As A Tragic Hero

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    kill any of the many villians that cause destruction for Gotham City. But, because of this moral, sometimes the villians end up escaping and doing more harm then good. In the end, this interal chaos and internal battle is seen interally and externally through Batman. At the end of the most recent Batman series, The Dark Knight, his exit at the end of the movie is, in essence, his figurative death. Bruce Wayne wants to keep Gotham City safe. And with the "Batman" gone, villians will be least likely

  • Relationship Between The Holocaust and Genocide

    668 Words  | 2 Pages

    We learn about the Holocaust to learn the meaning of genocide, religious freedom, racism, discrimination, and superiority. We learn that villians choose to be evil they are not born evil. We learn about hypocrits and soldiers without morals. We learn with immoral beliefs and cowards who won't face the truth and damage they have created. We learn about Jewish struggles including camps wher innocents and adolesents are murdered. We learn about the Holocaust to prevent it from happening again. We learn

  • Iago, the Hero of Shakespeare's Othello? GCSE English Literature Coursework

    1071 Words  | 3 Pages

    thing Iago had ever done was love Othello, and nothing else. In my paper I want to be able to make the point, that we can't just come to one conclusion in a book. We have to be able to and go deeper into the meaning of what makes "Villian" a villian. The actual villian might just be Othello. We can't blame people for everything they do, especially when they have a reason to act the way they do. In the book "The Count Of Monte Cristo" we all understood that Edmond Dantes set people up and destroyed

  • Fairy Tales

    1154 Words  | 3 Pages

    Fairy Tales Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm are famous for their renditions of some of the most beloved children's fairy tales. Among the hundreds is the well known (Schneewittchen) Snow-drop. This fairy tale is in many aspects common, imperfect, and vulgar, as are most of the fairy tale translations of the Grimm Brothers. These characteristics are what depict the Grimm fairy tales. The tales were primarily written to entertain and relate to the common peasantsof the 1800's. The stories are not

  • Essay on Chaucer's Canterbury Tales - Power of the Pardoner's Tale

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    crooked path; for in that grove I left him, by my faith, under a tree, and there he'll stay."  The irony in this event is that the three men who were ready to kill Death totally forget about him once the gold is found. After the three villians find the gold they send one into town for supplies.

  • The Role of the Narrator in The Lottery and A&P

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    since different narrators have different points of view. How one narrator feels about a character can be totally different compared to how another narrator feels about that character. For example, one narrator might not think of a villian character as a villian and view that character as a hero of the story, giving reader a different points of view about that character. In the story The Lottery by Shirley Jackson the narrator is a third person who is not a character in the story.

  • Tuesdays With Morrie Research Paper

    683 Words  | 2 Pages

    Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom is a story about an old man’s odyssey to his death. We all understand that death is inevitable. We all know it’s coming, but we don’t know when. Death can be viewed as a sad thing but like everything, there is always the right way to approach it, and that’s exactly what Morrie does. Contrary to many opinions, death can be viewed as one of the most beautiful things that can happen in life. Death is the most prevalent theme in this book. It is the biggest theme for

  • Dramatic Foil Research Paper

    707 Words  | 2 Pages

    Looking into the minds of young girls and boys, superheroes is what many will find. The superheroes always having their trusty sidekicks and they will fight the evil villain to save the world. Many wonder how a superhero and a sidekick or a villian and their crazy friends actually work so well together, even though they're complete opposites. Well this is dramatic foil, a concept used by writers, comic creators, and screen writers to make the perfect duo. There is so many examples of dramatic foil