Tuesdays With Morrie Research Paper

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Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom is a story about an old man’s odyssey to his death. We all understand that death is inevitable. We all know it’s coming, but we don’t know when. Death can be viewed as a sad thing but like everything, there is always the right way to approach it, and that’s exactly what Morrie does. Contrary to many opinions, death can be viewed as one of the most beautiful things that can happen in life. Death is the most prevalent theme in this book. It is the biggest theme for three reasons. Firstly, death is something that concerns both Morrie and the student. Secondly, death is the main antagonist of the story. Lastly, the notion of death is what propels the story further.

As humans, we always live a life of uncertainty, we can’t possibly know what going to happen next. However, life is special because it unravels as we go, we can never be truly know what the future holds. Very few things are certain in this life, but there is one unavoidable, undying, and unpredictable event that lies in our future ahead, death. When the word death comes to mind, the immediate emotions that are associated with it is sadness, pain, loneliness, etc. However, death doesn’t have to be this way. Throughout the whole novel Morrie has been …show more content…

In this story, the characters are all interconnected through death. Without it, Morrie and the student would not have reunited, Morrie would not have gone on a journey of self discovery, and both their lives would not have changed for the better. Furthermore, death is the glue that holds the story together. The following quote shows us how we can become closer to ourselves and how people can be united and strengthened by each other through death, “Forgive yourself before you die. Then forgive others.” (Albom 164). This quote demonstrates that when we are dying we can connect with ourselves and others in ways that we never thought

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