Lucchese crime family Essays

  • Lufthansa

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    The Lufthansa Heist was a robbery that took place at the John F. Kennedy International Airport; the people (players) robbed five million dollars at the time of the robbery. The total amount of money robbed to todays’ date is estimated to be around eighteen million dollars and three million dollars in jewelry. The heist was planned by Jimmy Burke and carried out by a number of people. A van would be used to transport the cash and another car would accompany the van to run interference should something

  • How Is Henry Hill A Gangster

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    informant helped change the ways of organized crime and how the government tried to stop them. Henry Hill was born on June 11, 1943 in Brooklyn, New York. His father, Henry Hill Sr., was and Irish-American electrician. His mother, Carmela Hill, was a Sicilian American. Hill grw up with eight other siblings in Brownsville, Brooklyn. Hill lived across the street from a common mobster hangout. This hangout was run by Paul Vario who was a capo in the Lucchese crime family. In his teens, Hill began to run errands

  • Morello Family

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    ORIGINS In 1892, Giuseppe Morello emigrated from Sicily to New York. His family formed the city’s first Italian criminal gang. Sicilian immigrant Salvatore “Toto” D’Aquila and his D’Aquila gang acknowledged Morello as capo di tutti capi, or boss of the bosses. Morello joined with Ignazio “the Wolf” Lupo to form a counterfeiting ring that spanned from Sicily to America. Morello and Lupo eventually went to prison, leaving a power vacuum that allowed D’Aquila to break away and form his own gang. Still

  • The Gambino Crime Family

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    away with it, hey, that’s great. But it’s very unpredictable. There’s so many ways you can screw it up” said Paul Castellano, boss of one of the biggest mobs in American history. Stemming from the enormous crime syndicate called Cosa Nostra, meaning “our thing” in Sicilian, the Gambino family and Cosa Nostra became a national menace. La Cosa Nostra, as it was referred to by law enforcement¬ and members, was a title for the American Mafia. The Mafia emerged during the late 1900’s and early 20th Century

  • Luciano Biography

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    Luciano was forced to leave Cuba and return to Italy (Gosch, 1975). 16. Luciano slowly lost his grip on his leadership position after his deportation. 16.1 In 1957, Vito Genovese took over in the United States and gave his name to the Luciano crime family (A+E Networks, 2009). 16.2 In the same year, Luciano called a meeting in Palermo between Italian and American mafiosi (A+E Networks, 2009). 16.3 They were planning a new push to sell narcotics in both white and black, blue-collar communities

  • John Gotti

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    men of the mafia among the most socially mobile people in America. There are mafia families all over the world, some of which run their businesses in the countryside. The mafia is mostly a big city organization because of what goes on in the city:" crime , police , corruption and unholy alliances between politics and business" (Cummings and Volkman 5). Basically wherever the money is there will be a mafia family nearby. New York City is considered to be the main grounds of the mafia world in which

  • Gambino Crime

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    Organized Crime with The Gambino Family Family Trust, making a profit, violence and being powerful, are all characteristics which the Honor Society also know as the Mafia followed and lived by. People may ask what does this all have to do with life in history, but this is all what the Mafia was based upon. “You have to be like a lion and a fox. The fox is smart enough to recognize traps, and the lion is strong enough to scare away the wolves. Be like a lion and a fox, and no one will ever beat you”

  • The Gambino Crime Family

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    The era of Don Carlo, which lasted from 1957-1976, was enormously prosperous for the Gambino Crime Family. At the beginning of his rule he, and many other crime families, ran into a pretty large roadblock. As Gambino was being sworn in as leader of the Cosa Nostra, President Elect John Fitzgerald Kennedy, a man who had “sworn to destroy people like him and rid the nation of the scourge of organized crime” had also been sworn in”(Davis 87). The Kennedy brothers, with Robert as head of the McClellan

  • John Gotti, the Infamous "Teflon Don"

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    former head of the Gambino family was convicted and sentenced to life in prison today without possibility of parole. He was convicted on 5 counts of murder (Castellano and Bilotti, Robert DiBernardo, Liborio Milito and Louis Dibono), conspiracy to commit murder, illegal gambling, loan sharking, racketeering, extortion, obstruction of justice, bribing a public official and tax evasion (Goodstein, 1992). Acting as boss, John Gotti was believed to have made the Gambino family more than $500 million in

  • Monologue Of Francesco: The Menace Venturella

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    capo or what you would call a captain of the Genovese family.I had to clip some people, do some dirty work to be a capo. I have done many things that I am not proud of but they had to be done to keep order. I have dedicated my life to the Genovese Family and I would die for my brothers. All of my soldiers respect me, they are a bit scared of me, but most of all respect me. I have a wife and 3 children, 2 boys and a little girl. I have been with my wife, Angela, for over 20 years. My oldest son Marco

  • Mafia

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    really just a group of uneducated thugs making money by victimizing the public. Initially, the Mafia was setup as a prominent supplier of bootlegged liquor, but it has spread into many different areas of crime. During this research paper I will discuss three aspects of the Mafia which are crime, structure and decline in leadership. The Mob siphons off public funds, rigs contracts, corrupts unions which many hard working people with legitimate jobs are a part of, smuggles drugs, and runs illegal gambling

  • The Mafia

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    the period of Prohibition it monopolized the trade in bootleg liquor and controlled loan sharking, gambling, and prostitution. Competing Mafia families established mutually recognized territories, reaching agreement by negotiation or by intimidation. By the mid-1930 the Mafia had taken on the institutionalized structure that is now typical of organized crime in the United States. Sammy the Bull, lesser known as the infamous Salvatore Gravano, is the highest-ranking member of the Mafia ever to break

  • Lucky Luciano and John Gotti: Two Mafia Gangsters

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    Lucky Luciano and John Gotti are two of the most polarizing and well-known figures of the US mafia over the past 100 years. Both men were the main man in their ‘families’ when they were alive. They were always in the news whether it was for their trials, or for things prosecutors said they committed. In this paper, I will try to see if the New York Times changed their language when referring to the mafia or mobsters in the time of Lucky Luciano between the 1930s and 1950s to more respectful or neutral

  • The Most Famous and Well Respected Way of Making Money

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    can't trust anyone. Someone you think you know well could very well be a secretive contract killer. Contract killers live an abnormal lifestyle. Most in which can go and take the life of another only head back home and have a great dinner with his family. In Philip Carlos's book "The Iceman: Confessions of a Mafia Contract Killer (Published in July of 2006, 402 pages) we examine the life of Richard Kuklinski a cold blooded mafia contract killer." Contract killers live this lifestyle for many years

  • The Gambino Crime Family

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    The three hit men knew that they could not get into the fortress where Anastasia lived, they knew they needed to get him somewhere he felt comfortable. When he ventured into the city, he always stopped at his favorite barbershop in the Hotel Park Sheraton at Seventh Avenue and Fifty-Fifth Street for a shave and a trim. On October 25, 1957 at 10:15am the Gallo brothers entered the shop and, as the barber was covering Anastasia’s face with a towel and lowering his chair, shot five shots at Anastasia’s

  • Lucky Luciano

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    Lucky Luciano Lucky Luciano is known as one of the greatest gangsters of all time. He was born in Lercara Friddi, Sicily on November 11, 1896. His parents were Antiono and Rosalia Luciana. He was born with the name Salvatore Lucinia. Luciano left Sicily with his parents in 1906 on route to New York. Salvatore wanted to fit in so he called himself Charles. His parents were never home, so he grew up on the streets. By the age of 9 he was already involved in extortion, mugging, and

  • John Gotti: An American Mobster

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    Godfather of the Gambino Family. Today he is serving a life sentence in Marion Federal Penitentiary on 43 counts of racketeering, multiple murders, loan sharking, gambling, and even jury tampering. John Gotti was born October 27, 1940 in the Bronx. John Gotti had 12 other brothers and sisters. He had 2 parents, Fannie and John Joseph Gotti Sr. John Gotti started school in 1945. In 1950 The Gotti family moved to Sheepshead Bay, where John attended P.S. 209. In 1952, the family moved to East New York;

  • Donnie Brasco

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    The book "Donnie Brasco" is based on the undercover life of the author, Joseph D. Pistone, an F.B.I agent who penetrated one of New York City's five families in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Joseph D. Pistone served in the FBI for 28 years, including six years of undercover life in the New York Bonanno crime family, where he operated as a jewel thief under the name Donnie Brasco. Due to his undercover work, more than 200 members of the Mafia were put behind bars. Joseph D. Pistone was born in

  • The Life of Bugsy

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    to no good. Bugsy was a gangster early in his childhood. Bugsy soon met some other gangster who where just as crazy as he was and soon began to run bootleg alcohol in the streets of New York. During Benjamin Bugsy Siegels' career in organized crime, he helped to take down two of the biggest dons that the people of New York had ever seen. Bugsy was a handsome man who was always weak when it came to women. While Bugsy was having an affair with Italian Countess Dorothy DiFrasso, he plotted

  • Italian American Mafia

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    There are many different organized crime groups within all different locations in the United States, and they are all known for many different reasons. The Italian American mafia is a very well know organized crime group within New York City. After the death of Giuseppe Masseria in the Casellammarese War, Salvatore Maranzano initiated the organization of the “Families” in 1931. Maranzano introduced the now-familiar mafia hierarchy: boss (capofamiglia), underboss (sotto capo), advisor (consigliere)