Home automation for the elderly and disabled Essays

  • Using Networks to Develop a Smart Home

    1059 Words  | 3 Pages

    based on the smart home environment that would enable an elderly to stay in their home, instead of a health care center so that they can live independently. Therefore, this is the opportunity for us to explore, design and layout network infrastructure by using our background knowledge in data communication and computer networks. What Is Smart Home A smart home or smart house, is a home that incorporates advanced automation systems to provide human especially for the elderly monitoring and control

  • Essay On Life In The 21st Century

    1275 Words  | 3 Pages

    until the cows come home. But amidst these, lie the opportunities to have a welcoming but secured home, comforting atmosphere, relieving lifestyle, peace of mind and a greater chance at enhancing the quality of our lives; all at the cost of not sacrificing our day to day activities. Sounds interestingly convincing??!! Of all the factors that may irritate a person, one would surely like to keep peace at home, peace in the world. How would it be like to have the door of your home open automatically

  • Why Are Autonomous Vehicles Responsible For Possible Accidents

    704 Words  | 2 Pages

    vehicles would thereby lose much of their utility. It would not be possible to send the vehicle off to look for a parking place by itself or call for it when needed. One would not be able to send children to school with it, use it to get safely back home when drunk or take a nap while traveling. However, these matters are not of immediate ethical relevance. As long as there