Gotham City Essays

  • How Batman (Dark Knight Trilogy) is a Failed Hero

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    Everyone knows who Batman is. Batman has many different monikers, from “The Dark Knight” to “Gotham's White Light” He is the hero of Gotham City. However, he is not the perfect superhero. Whenever he is fighting a villian such as the Joker and Bane, his methods are unorthodox to the average superhero. The way Batman fights crime, destroying the enviroment to do whatever it takes to stop the villian, and involving collateral damage, makes him a failed hero. Batman's vengance starts out in Batman Begins

  • The Joker's Dichotomy In The Dark Knight

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    questioning the foundations of good and evil dichotomy, which is shown by The Joker and Harvey Dent. Also, Harvey Dent plays the role of having bad conscience. Throughout the film ressentiment plays throughout the film and characters, from the heart of Gotham City, Harvey Dent, and finally Batman. Cruelty is played throughout with the character of The Joker. In The Dark Knight the Joker describes himself as a man of action: “I do not have a plan…I just do things,” (The Dark Knight, Health Ledger). The things

  • Batman Earth One Sparknotes

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    that run from drug dealing, corruption, and betrayal to murder in a small city of Gotham. The story begins with an eight-year-old son of Dr. Thomas Wayne, Bruce Wayne, who witnesses his parent’s killings just after they walk from the cinema. Thesis statement: The comic book has addressed the city’s filth and corruption through a series of artistic and literary skills. The father to Wayne is a mayor candidate for Gotham City. The mother, Martha Wayne, equally loses her life in the assassination that

  • Journey In Batman's Journey

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    to die for his sake. In this case, The Threshold for Wayne was crossing the bridge that separates the “evil” from the rest of Gotham City to begin his journey. The Descent: Caught in between the readiness to transform into someone else, Bruce Wayne acknowledges the fact that leaving his old life behind will open the doors to a greater possibility of need that Gotham City desires. With extreme dangers such as Scarecrow and the Joker, Wayne must prepare for the worst, whether it be up to chance or

  • Batman: Superhero or Vigilante?

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    level threats rather then among alien wars fighting to save our world. While Batman is quite a hero and does many heroic things such as saving the citizens of Gotham he still has to oppose the law of the country to do it. When looking at this evidence it’s easy to see that people of Gotham fear the Batman and want him brought in by the Gotham city police. For these reasons he cannot be categorized as a superhero and deserves the title of

  • Problem Definition in Relation to Structure in “Batman Begins”

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    superheroes and science fiction, it draws parallels to the problems faced by urban parts of major cities across the United States, particularly poor structure. In analyzing structure, one must begin with the definition and causal agents while contrasting and drawing comparisons between Gotham City and modern Detroit. Gotham city is portrayed as an impoverished state where the infrastructure is crumbling, and the city is facing safety issues as crime syndicates are on the rise. The Problem Definition theory

  • Batman Compare And Contrast Spiderman And Beowulf

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    Batman occurs in a time period and setting location different from Beowulf. Batman takes place in a city named Gotham city that resembles much of that in modern New York city. Gotham is a modern city congested with buildings and people. Beowulf setting is in Denmark during a more medieval period with a less number of people. Another Difference between both heroes is their personality. Batman is more

  • The Dark Knight Rises Deviance Analysis

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    Rises, Bane and Batman represented the different levels of deviance. What they did individually can be judged as deviant or not. However, in the larger scale, both of their actions were deviant when they went against the social norm of corruption. Gotham shows what can happen when social norms constantly change. It is able to be persuaded by whatever social conditions are present. This can sway a population to accept a path that may lead it to

  • Batman's Character Analysis

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    between Jason and Bruce goes from one full of love and hope to a relationship filled with regret and hatred. When Batman first met twelve year old Jason Todd on the streets of Gotham, he had his mind set on giving the boy some sort of fulfilling

  • Bruce Wayne: Batman And The Red Hood

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    had tried to save him, his bloody and battered body was taken by Talia Al Ghul, and revived in the Lazarus Pit. Once he was restored to former health Jason spent years training his body an mind to perfection. Jason, now known as the Red Hood, is in Gotham using lethal force to dispose of criminals. Batman and Jason finally meet again and fight, Jason besting Bruce and making a quick departure. Bruce - He's back. How, I don't know and I couldn't care less. The point remains that Jason

  • Batman Social Issues

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    was able to clean up the streets of Gotham City, and bring the Joker down for all the bad things he had done, even killing Bruce’s mother and father after all those years. Batman at night, Bruce Wayne by day, two totally different people sharing the same body and the same reason why they did the things they did. Bruce Wayne was a victim of the city in which he lives, with the death of his mother and father, this was the beginning for him to rid Gotham City of its

  • How Does Superman Show Corruption

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    crooked cops. The comic addresses the cruelty, ruthlessness and corruption from the policemen. Batman plays a minor role in the play. There are a lot of crimes in the city. Batman’s parents were killed when he was young. The act deeply saddens him, and this challenges him to be a fierce fighter. He is ready to stop the crooked cops in the city. Bruce is human and in the play he is shot many times and wounded multiple times. He is forced to adapt when he loses his utility belt in the burning building. The

  • How Is Batman An Archetypal Hero?

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    This is what he was seeking from the beginning, when he was without direction bent on revenge. When Rachel slapped him for his lack of behavior, that is when he hit rock bottom. Batman goes back out to Gotham city one last time to stop the runaway train which has been hijacked by his former mentor Ducard. This is the final test, the climax. After a long battle of hand to hand combat exhibit everything he has learned. Batman is basically pinned to the ground;

  • Batman Hero's Journey

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    Gotham was one of the most crime-ridden cities in the world. Cities like Metropolis have Superman to protect the citizens, but Gotham doesn’t have anyone. One night everything was calm and quiet. There were cars driving around and people walking home. Then a mysterious woman slowly walked out of a shady store. It looked like she was in no rush, but as soon as she crossed the street, the store emerged in flames. She then started running to a dark blue car, which had been riddled with bullet holes

  • Rational Choice Theory In The Movie Batman Begins

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    This essay will explore some of the theories commonly observed in criminology in relation to the 2005 hit movie Batman Begins. I chose a batman movie as they’re usually about lucrative criminals and batman himself is a notable criminologist. Batman and his “rogue gallery” as they are often called, also “super criminals” display similar behavior to what we see in the real worlds normal criminals. The movie begins with a young Bruce Wayne playing outside with his friend Rachael. Bruce steps on some

  • Batman Movie Analysis

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    world, take away from us the most basic necessities of a good and happy life”. The Batman series is about Bruce Wayne, a billionaire playboy who, under the guise of a high-tech anthropomorphic bat, takes it on himself to protect the residents of Gotham City from the antagonistic forces which plague it. This is an enormous responsibility, one which comes with constants affronts to his physical and psychological well-being, as well as an inherent sense

  • Power Of Fear In Bruce Wayne's Falcone

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    Falcone virtually runs Gotham through the power of fear and keeping many influential people in his pocket. When Bruce meets Falcone, he wants to prove that not everyone in Gotham is afraid of him, and Falcone replies, “Only those who know me, kid.” Falcone explains to Bruce that the power of fear is something you cannot buy, but it is earned through

  • Batman Eulogy

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    there for us when we needed him the most. He separated us from our darkest nightmares every night. He guarded our houses and protected our families, our friends, and our children. Batman stood up for what he believed, he always had us, the people of Gotham in his best interest. What more could we have asked Batman to do? I could stand up here and say "I never knew the man," but that might not be the truth. During my life, I have known many men, many men who are full of strength, courage, and virtue

  • Batman Theme Song 'Jason Todd: Under The Red Hood Tribute'

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    then they just don't talk about HIM as a character. 2.Mutagen - Arkham City (

  • Comparsion of Forrest Gump and The Dark Knight Rises

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    freedom, the leg braces symbolizing society, the box of chocolates symbolizing life, the shrimp business symbolizing the working class, and the ping pong ball which symbolizes focus, just to name a few. Batman himself is a symbol to the people of Gotham city and that’s the point. Bruce even said; “As a man I can be destroyed...but as a a symbol I can become incorruptible, everlasting...” The masks worn by Batman, Bane, and Cat Woman symbolize masks, oddly enough. They both literally and