Power Of Fear In Bruce Wayne's Falcone

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Bats evolve past his childhood scare; he overcomes that, and material bats were not the things that terrified him. They began to symbolize the fear of fear, the unbearable pain and weight his parents’ death had on him. Bruce worries about the havoc he creates and his destructive tendencies that hurt the ones he loves. When asked by Ducard if he feels responsible for his parents’ deaths, Wayne replies, “My anger outweighs my guilt.” This anger towards himself and the world consumes him and increases his guilt. Another evident fear that Bruce Wayne holds is of himself. From his past tragedies, Bruce carries a lot of conflicting and potentially dangerous emotions. Ra’s Al Ghul tells Bruce: “What you really fear is inside yourself. You fear your own …show more content…

Falcone virtually runs Gotham through the power of fear and keeping many influential people in his pocket. When Bruce meets Falcone, he wants to prove that not everyone in Gotham is afraid of him, and Falcone replies, “Only those who know me, kid.” Falcone explains to Bruce that the power of fear is something you cannot buy, but it is earned through past actions. Fear’s capacity is not limited to being in an individual’s subconscious; the power can be created against each other through threats and former relations. Also, Falcone tells Bruce: “You always fear what you don't understand.” This motivates him to begin his quest for his parents. Fear is within people, and it influences great change to take place. Though, fear creates good, it also is very capable of irreversible effects. This is shown through the use of Scarecrow’s hallucinogen on his enemies; it makes people confront their greatest fears. When the serum was released into the city, it brought mass terror and panic; this reaction to fear displays the negative side of fears. Although unconventional, this response was the mind’s power overtaking all bodily

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