Fief Essays

  • Knights In Feudalism

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    land to the classes below him, which resulted in a domino effect. Once the king would receive the fealty of a vassal, the king was expected to pay. In most cases, the king would return the vassal with a fief, which was an estate or manor. The fief would include, a house, or a small castle. The fief would also come with peasants. Although the vassal did not own the peasants, he owned the land on which their houses were built, so they answered

  • Feudalism with The Lords and Vassals

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    Feudalism is a lord-vassal relation with a fief or as called land. During this time there were many rulers with violent conflicts. The kind of relationship the two men worked out in practice depended on power, wealth, and personal qualities such as ingenuity, daring, and ruthlessness. To avoid discord and violence, lord and his dependant had to constantly negotiate new agreements to deal with each crisis as it arose. There were three points of evidence that supported the relations on security

  • The Rise and Fall of Feudalism

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    (1). It began with the exchange of land for military services, also called barter, by King William (1). Bartering was a frequent occurrence during the Feudalism years (Pluta 1). A fief is another key term in the Feudal System. A fief was anything that was considered useful or valuable (Middle 1). For example, a fief could be land or ownership of goods produced (1). In this system, one had no vote about anything, and had to obey and pay their overseers. This was a system run by the “supreme” (Feudalism

  • Caste System: The Rise Of Feudalism In Germany

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    where the birth of the feudal system came to be. The feudal system was designed as a means to provide service in return for a place to live, and protection. Before a lord could grant land or a fief to a vassal, Homage needed to be conducted. Homage was a ceremony where the vassal would receive his fief, the vassal would kneel before the lord and put his hands in the lord’s hands and then swear fealty. When the vassal pledged his loyalty and labor, he was also obliged to provide military service

  • The Agreement Between Lord And Vassal Summary

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    The Agreement between Lord and Vassal is an account of a relationship between Hugh of Lusignan and William V of Aquitaine (who was also Count of Poitiers ). This account is seen through the perspective of Hugh, and provides examples of different powers, actions, and decisions of lords and vassals. According to the introduction of the Agreement, this account was "wrote or dictated " between 1020 and 1025 . Through criticism and analysis of this source, I hope to determine what information historians

  • Samurai And Knights Similarities

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    “Feudalism was a political and economical system in Europe from the 9th to about the 15th century.” Japan also had time periods that can be called feudal age including: Heian, Kamakura and Tokugawa. Medieval Japan shared a lot of similarities with medieval Europe, however, there are also many differences. One of the differences is their warriors who played vital roles fighting for their country in both Europe and Japan. In medieval Europe they had knights, and in medieval Japan they had samurais

  • An Essay On Nobles

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    Nick M. Ms.Kepler Social Studies 5/8/14 Nobles in the Medieval times were very powerful people. They were almost the most powerful besides the King. Most people were born into Nobility, but there were others who were given Nobility or rose into the ranks of Nobility. Sometimes Nobles were rich sometimes they were not so rich.You could also have different titles such as Count,Duke,or Baron,you were awarded the title for duty on the battlefield or in council. To protect the kings subjects from

  • The Origins and Development of Feudalism

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    first introduced as a means of protection for the king. However, as time grew the opportunity to use it as means of exchange for services between the king and vassal was found. Instead of just forcing people into the king’s army the idea of giving fiefs to those who would pledge their life to service the king was decided on. Likewise, vassal, or the knights saw the advantages they had that could be used to their advantage. Men who were vassal saw that they could gain land and privileges from servicing

  • European Feudalism Research Paper

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    and vassal owed certain obligations to each other. The vassal vowed to complete certain services for his lord, and in return the lord granted him a fief. The king formally possessed all fiefs, however, a vassal held all the rights of ownership of the fief as long as he performed the services required by his lord. The entire kingdom was separated into fiefs, aside from the area held by the king directly. Alongside the king ownership, there was also a lord-serf obligation. The lords owned both the land

  • Fuedalism and the Organization of the Fuedal System

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    When Charlemagne died in 814, Western Europe was left in chaos with no strong leaders or tribes able to provide the peace and stability necessary for civilization to advance. As a result there was no central government, no stable form of protection for people's life or property and so the people of Western Europe decided to turn to feudalism for that protection. Feudalism was a loosely organized system of rule in which powerful local lords divided their land among the lower lords. The Feudal System

  • Feudalism The Vassals

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    The Nobles were called Vassals of the King and the Vassals fought for their King and other Nobles who were Knights. A serf was someone who farmed the lands and serfs had to pay rent and taxes to nobles. The King gave fiefs that were large land grants to Vassals. Vassals also gave fiefs to Knights and Knights gave protection to serfs. Knights were heavily armed soldiers who rode horsebacks. The manor was isolated. Mostly all of the people in the Feudal system lived on the manor which included the castle

  • Feudalism: The Rights and Responsibilities of Lords and Vassals

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    “I believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation, every possession, a duty. -John D. Rockefeller American tycoon, businessman, and philanthropist Rights and Responsibilities are brothers that work together to preserve each other. Rights are legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement; that is, rights are the fundamental normative rules about what is allowed of people according to some

  • Narrative Essay On Knighthood

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    I am a member of the black guard just finished. I was assigned to the fief of Norgate, and things have been quiet. In fact, it’s been too quiet. Norgate is a fief bordering Tashmungil, and bandits try to get through the fief’s borders all the time. The fact that they haven’t been is worrying me. They should be attempting to get our gold and iron, yet they have been

  • What Role Do Knights Play In Feudalism

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    The knight was one of the most important figures in the feudal system, which is the hierarchy system of the Middle Ages. Knights were the fighters that came from a long line of soldiers who were rewarded for their service. Knights provided safety to the peasants inside the manors, but they had to fight for their king in battle as well. Also, towns were destroyed and knights were forced to increase cultural work inside the manors to help run the feudal system. The only way that feudalism would run

  • Essay On Charlemagne

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    granting of a fief, which is a landed estate granted to a vassal for military services, or landed estate, in exchange for providing military services to the lord and fulfilling certain other obligations such as appearing to lord's court when summoned and a person who did this was known as a vassal. Also fief holding started to become a problem when subinfeudation, the practice whereby a lord's greatest vassals subdivided their fiefs and had vassals of their own, who in turn subdivided their fiefs and so

  • What Role Did Feudalism Play In Medieval Society

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    The lord mainly got fiefs and protection, which was sufficient for them to be self-sustained. Some weak landowners had to pledge loyalty to their overlord since they couldn't find stability without help from an overlord- they needed land to support their families (A. Smith 2). Some fiefs that a lord could get were a grant of land, financial support, protection, or if the overlord desired, all of these

  • Feudalism Essay

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    obedience by taking an oath, known as the Oath of Fealty, and the ceremony in which they do this is called homage. The lord, in return, provided vassals with protection and pieces of land, called fiefs. Fiefs varied from huge estates and whole provinces to a plot of few acres (Stubbs). Tied to these fiefs were serfs, or peasants who were obligated to farm the land of the lord in exchange for a small plot of land of their own (The Development of Feudalism in Western Europe). They were bound to the

  • Manorialism In The Middle Ages

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    also got many things in return. They received fiefs. The early fiefs given to vassals were gifts like armor, weapons, or horses (Levi Biel 9). By the year 1000 a fief was usually a piece of land which the vassal would hold as long as he lived as long as he served his lord faithfully. Sizes of fiefs varied. In order to get a fief vassals agreed to an oath. In this oath the vassal promised loyalty and military service to his lord (Levi Biel 9). Other fiefs could be making a vassal mayor of a town (Nardo

  • The Feudal Revolution

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    The Feudal Revolution The Feudal Revolution swept across Europe causing significant changes in the political landscape. The revolution began from middle 10th century and reached its peak around the 12th century. Feudalism was a contractual agreement among the upper classes by which a lord gave land to his men, vassals, in return for military services. Feudalism originated in Germany around 450 AD after Germanic tribes conquered Rome. Its origins were between the Rhine and Loire River. Feudalism

  • Western European Feudal System

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    political and military institution, beamed on contracts between a lord and a vassal, both whom held land (fiefs)(C. Smith 2). Military might was the primary basis of power. This was the dominating course of Europe in nature. (C. Smith 1). A single fighter is then supported by enough farmers with enough production and surplus. For his service the knight was given a “fee” or later known as a fief, a piece of land and kept supplied with food and other products (Nardo 27). In order to be obligated to