What Role Do Knights Play In Feudalism

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The knight was one of the most important figures in the feudal system, which is the hierarchy system of the Middle Ages. Knights were the fighters that came from a long line of soldiers who were rewarded for their service. Knights provided safety to the peasants inside the manors, but they had to fight for their king in battle as well. Also, towns were destroyed and knights were forced to increase cultural work inside the manors to help run the feudal system. The only way that feudalism would run correctly is if the knights stayed loyal to their overlord and followed the rules that they were given. The knight played a very important role in feudalism, he would provide things for the lower class while staying loyal to his king.
Knights were …show more content…

The words knight and chivalry both come together to form the single meaning of the medieval knight’s duty. The word "knight" comes from the Old English word cniht, which means "boy". Many early knights were still in their teens and were considered boys("Knights and the Traditions"). While the word "chivalry" comes from the Old French word chevalerie, which means "skill in handling a horse". At this time fighting was up close and personal, and knights had to use spears and swords. The one who could control their horse better had the upper-hand("Knights and the Traditions"). These words were very important to the medieval world and had a huge impact on the way the military was run. To train to be a knight took a lot of time and a boy had many requirements growing up, therefore he had to act mature. To be a knight a boy had to be born from a noble family, and at the age of seven would be sent off to a different nobleman's household. There he learned how to ride a horse and how to behave respectfully. At this age the boys were called pages. At 14 he was apprenticed to a knight where he would learn how to handle weapons, look after his master's armor, went into battle with his master and looked after him if he was hurt or unhorsed. As a squire, a boy would learn how to shoot a bow and carve meat. Most squires were knighted around the …show more content…

Serfs were born into servicing the land, and the goods that they produced fueled the economy. Lords gave their vassals pieces of land with mills, churches and other things on them. The vassals had to agree they would keep the people safe that were on the the lord's land (Biel 9). The vassal would have everything that they needed for the peasants to work on the manor in order to contribute to the kingdom’s economy. On the vassal's land he would have peasants or serfs working for him and almost all of their profits would go to him and then higher up the chain of feudalism (Biel 9). Traders and merchants would buy and sell these goods to each other and most of the money would go to taxes. In the feudal system, people have to give and take in order to have a successful and functional economy. In return for the work that they did the peasants had protection from the vassal that owned the land (Biel 10). In order for the feudal system to be successful all the classes had to have connections like the lord and his peasants. If cooperation of this kind did not occur then it would crumble. The feudal system developed the things that were needed for a successful kingdom in the medieval times. It built a strong a economy, a loyal military, and a government system. It was connected by contracts, or oaths between lords and vassals (usually a vassal is a knight). The

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