Essay On Charlemagne

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During the European civilization in the early Middle Ages there were Carolingian empire and the emerging world of lords and vassals. If all these events had not occurred we would not know what Europe would be today.

After the eighth century a new kingdom came into control which was the Carolingian empire. They controlled the western and Central Europe. After Pepin, who was king of franks ruled from 751-758, and when he died his son Charlemagne came into power. One of the most important rulers during this empire was Charlemagne. He was a fierce warrior but also he was an intelligent and educated man. Charlemagne grew a large part of the territory of the Carolingian empire during his time. Also during this time the monasteries established scriptoria, which are writing rooms for the copying of manuscripts in medieval monasteries. The room was used for monks to copy works of Christianity and Classical Latin authors. During the Carolingian empire the Catholic Church made a huge impact on the Frankish family. One impact they did was emphasizing monogamy which is the practice of be married to one person a time and they did this …show more content…

The government had to find lords who would give protection exchange of service. This led to the practice of vassalage,which was the granting of a fief, which is a landed estate granted to a vassal for military services, or landed estate, in exchange for providing military services to the lord and fulfilling certain other obligations such as appearing to lord's court when summoned and a person who did this was known as a vassal. Also fief holding started to become a problem when subinfeudation, the practice whereby a lord's greatest vassals subdivided their fiefs and had vassals of their own, who in turn subdivided their fiefs and so on down to simple knights, whose fiefs were too small to be divided because everyone wanted to be in charge of

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