Caste System: The Rise Of Feudalism In Germany

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Feudalism can be described as both a legal and military practice during the 9th all the way to the 15th century, consisting of multiple levels of social and economic classes that formed what is today known as a caste system. Feudalism worked as a means for dividing and holding land, in exchange for labor and service. Feudalism became the way of life mostly after the fall of an empire, the lack of a centralized power meant that small hereditary rulers formed and gathered land in their territories. From there those who rose to power would need people to work the land, grow and harvest crops, as well as provide military service to them. This is where the birth of the feudal system came to be.

The feudal system was designed as a means to provide service in return for a place to live, and protection. Before a lord could grant land or a fief to a vassal, Homage needed to be conducted. Homage was a ceremony where the vassal would receive his fief, the vassal would kneel before the lord and put his hands in the lord’s hands and then swear fealty. When the vassal pledged his loyalty and labor, he was also obliged to provide military service for his lord. Offensive service would consist of going outside of the lord’s territory on a military campaign, however, there was normally a 40 day limit to the amount of days that the vassal was …show more content…

However the German system consisted of many more levels than it’s French or English counter parts. At the top of the hierarchy was a German Emperor that was recognized as the sole owner of German land during Germany’s feudal era. From this, the emperor would divide the land into multiple kingdoms with kings ruling over these kingdoms. From within the kingdoms rose dukes, princes, earls, and finally barons. Each title granted an individual specific rights and privileges that fueled the German feudal

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