Breathalyzer Essays

  • Use of RBT System to Reduce Car Accidents Due to Alcohol Consumption

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    ... middle of paper ... ... [online] Available at: [Accessed: 21 Feb 2014]. Harcourt Health. 2013. 4 Medical Conditions That Affect The Validity Of Breathalyzers. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 23 Feb 2014]. Mercier, L. n.d. The Chemistry Behind the Breathalyzer. [PowerPoint slides] Available through: University of Waterloo'04/Breathalyzer

  • Impaired Driving: The Problem Of Drunk Driving

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    of all traffic-related deaths in the United States”(Impaired Driving: Get the Facts). An achievable solution to this major problem is that all cars should have a breathalyzer test in order to start the car so drunk driving fatalities An article called test before drive plan states the price of this addition.“The tamper-proof Breathalyzer costs between $1200 and $1500”(Mckay). Although this addition will cause drivers to not get behind the wheel with any alcohol in the system, many drivers make the

  • Drunk Driving is Not a Serious Offense

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    Driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) has become an issue of national concern, a both state and federal levels (2Githens and Sloan 403). Hearty fines, jail time and a revoking of the convict’s license follow most DUI offenses. DUI penalties need to be decreased and cause of conviction needs to be addressed, because people who are not criminals are going to jail, and enduring insurance fees even though these punishments have been shown to not decrease drinking and driving. Officers are given

  • Stop Drinking and Driving

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    Approximately 5 million babies were born last year and approximately 11,000 people were killed due to drinking and driving related accidents in the United States. Over 1.2 million drivers were arrested in 2011 for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics. In today’s day and age, drinking is very common, as well as driving. When you mix those two things together, problems are caused, people are injured, lives are taken, jails get more inmates, and families are forced to mourn the lives

  • Drunk Driving And Drinking And Driving

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    Driving while intoxicated or drunk is very dangerous resulting in injuries and even death. This is a huge national problem that can be prevented from happening. “Statistics reveal that most related accidents are the leading cause of death for the ages between 16-24.” (Hanson) Many teens and early adults are peer pressured to drink and end up driving intoxicated or drunk. When driving intoxicated, your short term memory and at often times your reflex is also impaired so you don’t have that quick response

  • Breathalyzers at School Dances

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    dance. This breathalyzer will detect alcohol on one’s breath. No student that has been drinking will be admitted to the event. Longmeadow High School has recently purchased breathalyzers which teacher chaperones administer to all students entering a school function. This issue has brought about much conflict. Many people see it as a positive thing; however, the breathalyzer at school dances should be eliminated. A dance is a sage, chaperoned place for students to hang out but the breathalyzer is turning

  • We Must Install Breathalyzers in Cars

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    Why do we need breathalyzers in our cars? Well, it could just save your life and the lives of others. In a drunk driving accident in Minneapolis, 20 year old Brody Sotona was killed instantly and his friend in the passenger seat Connor Macklin in critical condition from the drunk driver, Yia Her (Latest News). Installing a breathalyzer or an interlock system in all standard vehicles can help prevent accidents like this one from happening. A breathalyzer is a device used for determining the content

  • Drunk Driving Persuasive Essay

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    Every 2 seconds there is an alcohol related car accident, and the problem is intensifying with more and more fatalities almost every year, As a result, all U.S and foreign car manufacturers should be required to install breathalyzers in all new 2018 vehicles because there is nothing more important than public safety, drunk driving accidents destroying families, and it is the only solution that stops the driver

  • Persuasive Essay On Drunk Driving

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    Imagine you are sitting with your friends in a bar. Everyone is drinking and having a good time. You are going to leave the bar, sit in your car and drive home, but is it right? Millions of people worldwide do it. Many say, “What’s the harm, I got home safely and no one was hurt?” If you come home safely, it does not mean that you are making a right decision. Drunk driving is a major risk not only to you, but also to other passengers in the car and to any other car and occupants sharing the road

  • Importance Of Bayes Theorem In Law And Courtrooms

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    D. How is Bayes theorem important in avoiding fallacies commonly made in law and courtrooms? I. Base rate fallacy If presented with related generic, general information and specific information (information pertaining only to a certain case), the mind tends to ignore the former and focus on the latter. This can be avoided using Bayes’ Theorem, as it takes into account prior probability (which is the probability assessed before making reference to certain relevant observations, especially subjectively

  • Zero Tolerance Law Essay

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    Individuals having a breathalyzer will help lower the number of alcoholic related traffic deaths, but some can be flawed and it is difficult to always have a breathalyzer available considering they cost money. Therefore, it is clear alcohol in driving individuals body continues to be a major factor in fatal car accidents, so why not eliminate alcohol

  • Pros And Cons Of DUI Offense

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    A DUI offense is a serious matter and should not be taken lightly. In the state of California if you have a blood alcohol level of .08% or higher it is illegal to be behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. If you are pulled over you can be convicted of driving under the influence. California’s DUI law also includes driving under the influence of illegal drugs, prescription drugs, over the counter medication and drugs with alcohol in them such as cough syrup. Penalties for a DUI include license suspension

  • Argumentative Essay: Don T Drink And Drive

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    attendance at work. So the state told arranged a date and told him to hire his own lawyer. The lawyer managed to persuade the judge since he had family to attend to, to give him a special license that will obligate him to buy a breathalyzer. So he did, and the breathalyzer had cost him $1,200 and unfortunately was more due to installation. He is now enforced to breath at random times while driving and before you starts driving. If there is any BAC the car will slowly lock up and prohibit him from

  • Drinking and Driving Offences

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    In my essay I will tell you the various kinds of drinking and driving offences, the penalties, and the defences you can make if you are caught drinking and driving. Let me tell you about the different offences. There are six offences in drinking and driving. They are "driving while impaired", "Having care and control of a vehicle while impaired", "Driving while exceeding 80 m.g.", "Having care and control of a vehicle while exceeding 80 m.g.", "Refusing to give a breath sample", and "refusing to

  • Persuasive Essay On Drunk Driving

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    influence and the tests and what they are. In all United States have point eight percent blood alcohol concentration as legal limit, commercial drivers is point four percent blood alcohol concentration (DMV). The police figure this out is using breathalyzers, which look like a tube that the person could blow into

  • Drinking Alcohol Informative Speech

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    consequence’s you should take into consideration like licenses being taken away, jail time, a felony being on your record, and paying some big fines. When a cop pulls you over and they suspect you’re under the influence they can ask you to take a breathalyzer. A breathalyzer detects how much blood alcohol content you have in your body by one breath. If you deny the test you automatically

  • Blood Alcohol Level (bal)

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    Blood Alcohol Level (BAL) MONITORING The amount of alcohol in your blood stream is referred to as Blood Alcohol Level (BAL). It is recorded in milligrams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood, or milligrams percent. For example, a BAL of .10 means that 1/10 of 1 percent (or 1/1000) of your total blood content is alcohol. When you drink alcohol it goes directly from the stomach into the blood stream. This is why you typically feel the effects of alcohol quite quickly, especially if you haven't

  • Ponce De Leon Case Study

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    charges. In the case Henry calls the police and makes a report that he saw his neighbour driving well under the influence, this results with charges being laid against Adam when the officer arrests him. When the officer arrest Adam he proceeds with a breathalyzer test which proves that his alcohol level is over the limit, which

  • Drunk Driving Conflict

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    police officer pulls over someone for possibly driving under the influence (DUI), they have several tests they can perform to tell the level of impairment. Some tests that they would perform on the field include a sobriety test, finger to finger, breathalyzer tests, and pronouncing “Methodist Episcopal” with no lisp. If someone is driving when using marijuana, they still show signs that are similar to drunk driving. For example, the driver might have issues remembering the time it takes to stop at a

  • Essay On Drunk Driving

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    important topic in crime today. History In this day and age, drunk driving has a reputation and stigma unlike it did one hundred years ago, when motor vehicles were first introduced to the mass consumer market. The end of prohibition, invention of the breathalyzer, advocacy groups such as Mothers Against Drunk Driving, and other historical events helped shape the public’s view of driving under the influence. By the early 1900s, motor vehicle accidents became problematic in the United States as alcohol related