Drunk Driving Persuasive Essay

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Rough Draft Andrew lived a normal life, he played xbox with his friends every night, on weekends he went to the skate park with a different set of friends. He thought they were pretty good kids and that they wouldn’t do anything to put him in any harm, he trusted them. Then one day his friends came to pick him up and he had a bad feeling about it but he got in the car anyways, while they were driving they kept swerving to the side but every time he asked to drive instead of one of his friends but they wouldn’t let him. He was feeling very unsafe since they were on a busy street in the afternoon with busses full of kids around and parents picking kids up from school. They were approaching a stop light and he asked how much they had drank but …show more content…

Every 2 seconds there is an alcohol related car accident, and the problem is intensifying with more and more fatalities almost every year, As a result, all U.S and foreign car manufacturers should be required to install breathalyzers in all new 2018 vehicles because there is nothing more important than public safety, drunk driving accidents destroying families, and it is the only solution that stops the driver …show more content…

When a family or friends lose someone close to them it can be hard going to school or work or even in public, everyone in the community will be talking about what happened. As a result of people not going to work or school they can lose their jobs or fail school which can have more long term effects. Another big issue can be people blaming parents and families of the driver, when people are grieving there are many stages and one can be anger where they are angry and just want to blame people for their friend or family member being gone. One last way it can destroy families and communities is that when some people are grieving over losing someone they can express their feelings in ways that may not be very appropriate like using graffiti or other forms of vandalism to express their feelings. That can upset a community because then they are forced again to see everyday ad be reminded of the horrible

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