Zero Tolerance Law Essay

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How much is too much to drink before driving? Although the Zero-Tolerance Law applies to individuals 21 years old and younger, it should apply to all ages, but many individuals argue a few alcoholic beverages do not affect one’s driving skills. Everyday intoxicated individuals get behind the wheel of a car, misjudging their blood alcohol levels causing fatal car crashes. This is a widespread issue so Minnesota should apply the Zero-Tolerance Law to all ages. This law incorporates a DUI immediately if any alcohol is found in one’s blood stream, and if one drives intoxicated, his or her license is automatically suspended by the Department of Motor Vehicles. Each day intoxicated individuals get behind the wheel of cars, thinking they can drive …show more content…

Individuals having a breathalyzer will help lower the number of alcoholic related traffic deaths, but some can be flawed and it is difficult to always have a breathalyzer available considering they cost money. Therefore, it is clear alcohol in driving individuals body continues to be a major factor in fatal car accidents, so why not eliminate alcohol completely from roads? “In 2014, 9,967 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, accounting for nearly one-third (31%) of all traffic-related deaths in the United States. “Alcohol and driving simply do not go together. Driving requires one’s attention fully always. While on the road one must be able to react vigorously to the constant changes going on. Driving is a huge responsibility and can be very dangerous and potentially lead to death when drinking alcoholic beverages. They have been too many lives taken from drunk drivers, so why not apply to Zero Tolerance Law to all ages in means of eliminating accidents involving alcohol? Voices of victims involved with alcohol related accidents often said they weren’t thinking or didn’t realize how much they had to drink. Thus, how much is too much to drink before driving? Simply, one drop of alcohol is too much. In other words, the Zero-Tolerance Law should apply to all ages This is a widespread

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