Strategic Management in Politics

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Throughout history leaders have used public relations as propaganda to influence the masses. The leaders use propaganda to spread their vision and mission throughout the world in which they live. The leaders have many different methods that they use. Some of the methods are new and some are ancient tried and true methods that have been used by great leaders from the past. These leaders use types of strategic planning and management, propaganda, management by objectives or MBO’s, and the SWOT analysis or strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to accomplish their objectives.

There are many types of leaders who use these objectives. There are leaders that are running for public office, or there are business leaders that are propagating for a better job. These processes can be used on the public grand scale to the citizens of the United States in a Presidential election or they can be used in a business to sell more products or get the leader a more prominent position. Our text speaks of Edward L. Bernays using strategic planning to sell more Ivory soap by having a contes...

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