conversion paper records to electronic record

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3.7 Technological obsolescence
The other challenge is the technological obsolescence. As a result of the rapid growth of the electronics industry, many of the electronic parts in products have a procurement life cycle that is significantly shorter than the life cycle of the system they go into a part becomes obsolete when it is no longer manufactured, either because demand has dropped to low enough levels of the manufactures choose not to make it or because materials or technologies necessary to produce it are no longer available. The applicable definition of software obsolescence varies depending on the system that uses the software and where and how that system is being used. Perhaps the greatest challenges to electronic record keeping which are evolve of the technology. New hardware and software are replacing the products and methods used to record, store and retrieve digital information on cycles of two to five years. No system is currently capable of more than thirty years of retention and access. With the continuous upgrade of operating systems, applications and storage technology, undesirability of access will overtake any durable assortment of hardware and software.

4. Recommendation
Despite of all challenges that encountered in the conversion of paper based to electronic records, there are still have the solution to overcome this problem. Hopefully this recommendation can give an impact while managing the electronic record and can improved all the weaknesses.
4.1 Perform skills project
To ensure staff who are responsible for records management project or who are part of the program have suitable skills for their levels of responsibility is the one of the key ways to promote a strong but flexible records management progr...

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...and negative outcome for the organization or end user. But if we use the right way to manage the records, even any of the problems that we faced, we can come up with the solution. Other than that, it is safe to say that the volume of the documents and records within the company will continue grow because of the electronic technologies that make it exceedingly fast and easily to create the new documents. New document types, as well as formats will need to be captured, classified, declared and stored according to a records retention schedule. Electronic records management systems will become even more important for maintained overall document management strategy and be more tightly integrated with the tools and systems used by knowledge workers. With the use of technology, it can improve the management of recordkeeping, as well as for the improvement of records form.

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