Document Management

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Document Management


When planning to implement a document management system, there are many factors to consider. First you have to consider how you want to store your documents, be it electronic, paper format, or both; you have to have adequate storage space. Next you have to decide whether you are going to attempt to archive old documents your organization has in storage. A major factor in determining the format you are going to save your documents in is to decide the length of time you wish to keep you documents and the amount of space you have in which to keep your documents. If you are going to keep your documents in a paper format you have to keep in mind the amount of space it will take to store them. Another consideration when determining storage of your organizations documents is how you want to organize your documents be it chronologically or subject based, you need to decide what works best for your organization. And lastly you have to decide how you are going to take those old documents, created before computers, and turn them in to a format which can be stored electronically. There are many different formats which can be beneficial when keeping an archive of documents. There are many reasons why documents need to be managed. First and foremost they serve as a historical log of where your organization came from and they will help shape where your organization can go in the future. Documents can be a reference of how past projects were worked and offer practical solutions for issues which come up in all projects. Keeping documents can be beneficial for every organization, from keeping records to showing where the organization can go, documents play a part in the every day workings of every organization.


One of the first things you will need to consider is what format you intend to keep your documents in. There are many different formats from which to choose from, and one of the test you will have to use to determine which format you will want to use is are you going to what to change information with in the document. Buy that, will you want to use some of the content from a past document to help shape future documents, or will you want to change any of the information contained with in the document to keep with the changing times.

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