Yoga And Yoga

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For the “The Psychology behind How We Learn Some New Essay” I chose to relate how yoga affects the mind and academics. Exercise and things such as yoga has been shown to help improves the mind and affects the brain. Yoga calms the mind which calms the nerves which relaxes the muscles which causes positive thoughts. “Yoga, which is a way of life, is characterized by balance, health, harmony, and bliss. Meditation, being part of yoga, which is the seventh limb of Ashtanga Yoga”
Yoga affects the academics by keeping the positive thoughts running and having more energy for the next day to come. Not only does doing yoga keep the mind focused or keep the positive thoughts rolling it but it helps relieve the stress a person might be dealing with. It can help you relax and manage stress and anxiety. “Concentration is a leading contributor to success in school because our ability to concentrate is akin to the ability to make the most of our education.” Yoga may help you achieve peacefulness of body and mind. Things such as exercise, yoga or mediation have been proven to help reduce anxiety and stress levels and even keep a person healthier and more focused on their life. “Yoga and college have a few things in common. College is intended to harness our tremendous potential to change the world. It encourages us to focus on what we want to learn, to broaden our horizons, and cultivate new understandings. The point of college is to train us to engage …show more content…

By wanting to get my Jamba juice at the end of the week I needed to do my yoga every day. Even when I did not become successful and do it every day, I thought I deserved my reward for trying, because at least trying was better than just sitting back and not doing anything. Sometimes life was being doing much and even if yoga is a de-stressor sometimes it just wasn’t what I had felt like

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