Why Should Huckleberry Finn Be Banned In Schools

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"All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called 'Huckleberry Finn.' If you read it, you must stop where the Nigger Jim is stolen from the boys. That is the real end. The rest is just cheating. But it's the best book we've had. All American writing comes from that. There was nothing before. There has been nothing as good since." -- from Ernest Hemingway, "The Green Hills of Africa" (1934) Although Hemingway and other great authors have regarded Huckleberry Finn as one of the best creations of literature of all-time, there has been much debate on whether it should be studied in schools. This debate has occurred over many years, and the book has been banned many times. The most recent time of this has been whenever an …show more content…

Mark Twain was an amazing writer, and denying students the chance to study his most well-regarded book is not right. The language, the characters, the story, the writing, the symbolism, and the themes are all extraordinary parts of the book that make it admirable. Students should be able to read this and have their teachers help them understand it more. It is a book that has been taught for multiple generations. If schools stop teaching it, it dissolves something that people of all ages know about. Eventually, the book could fade away, especially as reading is becoming less and less prominent. The language of the book is beautiful and shows the characters’ dialects in a strong way. But there is still controversy pertaining to the language. The language that stirs up the most debate is many people believe the n-word is used too often. A lot of people are not thinking about the time period the book was written in. The book was written in 1884; at this time, people did not view the word the same way we view it now. The word was not derogatory; it was just how people spoke about African Americans at the time. The reason people find the n-word extremely offensive is it reminds them of how African Americans used to be treated. Ironically, today the majority of African Americans use the word ‘nigga’. It makes it seem like African

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