To Kill A Mockingbird Should Be Banned In Schools Essay

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Why should this novel be banned from use in schools? Students should be able to hear these words and talk about them and not use them offensively. Racial content, tension, and slurs are used in people’s everyday lives. If people can use these words outside of school why would they not be allowed to be talked about in school? It is important for everyone to be informed about these racial tensions. This book also shows the reader what is was like to be growing up in this time period. Although this book uses the n-word, it uses it in a historical way. Using these racist words explains the way of thinking of the south in the 1930s. To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee is appropriate to use and read in school. Students today should be informed about the racials tensions and struggles that black people faced in the 1930s. To Kill A Mockingbird explains the difficulties of the racial divides of that time. In the book there were several different racial …show more content…

Although this book uses offensive words, it is such an important part of this time period. Some adults may not want their kids reading these stories in school because they can repeat the words and use them offensively. People could also feel that this book isn’t appropriate because it was written so long ago and uses old-fashioned phrases that don't teach students proper English. People will always have their own opinions. It is so important to read books like these. Not only to teach what is was like back in the 1930s, but to get an understanding on what racism was like. If we read books like these today, we have a chance of getting kids to get a better understanding on why racism is so wrong. every child should read To Kill A Mockingbird because it will get them to realize how wrong segregation was back then Why should we ban this book when it’s only teaching kids more about

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