Was The Vietnam War Justified Essay

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Was it worth sacrificing millions of lives? The Vietnam war was one of the longest wars in north Vietnam and south Vietnam. Entering the Vietnam war was a mistake that affected not just the US but also South Vietnam and ended up losing the war. The US should not have gotten involved in the Vietnam war because of the moral impact, failure of achieving goals and economic impact. The US involvement in the War was not justified. The US resulted in innocent deaths of people in Vietnam and lost several soldiers weakening the American forces. For instance; what happened in My lai when millions of innocent south Vietnamese people got killed by the US soldiers because the US soldiers thought that they were Vietcong covering themselves as guerrilla …show more content…

The US involvement did not help the South Vietnamese, they only hurt them more and didn’t achieve any of their goals. For example; The napalm and agent orange, they were used by the US to destroy the jungle growth. They also used Agent Orange: it is “a herbicide that was sprayed in the Vietnam forests and tall grasses to clear them out in order to improve visibility”. It contaminated many Americans and Vietnamese people. These destroyed lands and houses and caused serious health problems. “Vietnam estimates 500,000 children have been born with birth defects” which shows how the US involvement caused more problems than it helped.“The United States agreed to the withdrawal of all U.S. troops and advisors (totaling about 23,700) and the dismantling of all U.S. bases within 60 days. In return, the North Vietnamese agreed to release all U.S. and other prisoners of war” The U.S. And North Vietnamese made a ceasefire called The Paris Peace Accords that will stop the war between them. The U.S only wanted to get out so they withdraw their troops, air support from South Vietnam, stop helping them economically, and that was during the rise of the oil price shocks which made it worse for the South. At that time The Soviets began supplying North Vietnam with new arms and aid. This led to the collapse of South Vietnam after the U.S. abandoning them. If the U.S. Would have continued supplying and helping the

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