Vietnam War Dbq Essay

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i. Difficulties faced by soldiers due to the nature of fighting in the Vietnam War
- Personnel had difficulties with transportation→ supplied with adapted vehicles→ back seat faced rear to provide additional fire power (Source A) – It appears as if the government didn't worry enough to supply men with safe and capable equipment
- Threat of traps→ led to fear as vehicles had to be parked on street at night (Source A) o Check for traps each morning became a daily ritual→ particularly in fuel tanks (Source A) o A request for a locking fuel cap was denied because “they weren’t entitled to one” (Source A)
• What circumstances would have needed to arise for them to be entitled to one?
- Tet Offensive→ full guard was set up (24hrs a day), personnel got no sleep and were constantly on alert (Source A) – How significant would this have been on
This suffering wasn't recognised at first so many veterans might have turned to alcohol and tobacco as coping mechanisms
- Physical effects of Agent Orange were exacerbated by psychological disorders including PTSD (Source D) iii. The significance of the Vietnam Veterans Association
- Veterans from previous wars made comments suggesting Vietnam wasn't a real war→ Vietnam Vet’s were seeking the understanding of fellow veterans (Source B) – Why might it not have been viewed as a ‘real war’? Was it because of the type of warfare?
- The RSL wasn’t welcoming→ set up to care for veterans of previous wars, however the organisation didn't seem to care about Vietnam Veterans (Source B) – How would this have made Veterans feel? Not being accepted by the Returned Services League.
- The Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia (VVAA) was formed in1979 (Source D)
- Founded as a counselling service and as a way of prosecuting claims of suffering from the effects of herbicides used during the war (Source

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