American Public Opinion of the Vietnam War

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American Public Opinion of the Vietnam War

At the beginning of the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War, in 1965,

the American Public favored the idea of war because they feared the

threat of communism. Polls conducted in 1965, showed 80 percent of the

population agreed with President Johnson and were for the war

(Rousseau 11). The U.S. got involved with the war to stop communism

from spreading throughout South Asia. Americans were afraid if one

country on South Asia turned to communism, it would extend to other

countries, which is known as the "Domino Theory". The United States

thought if they stopped communism in Vietnam, it would stop the spread

of communism. At this time, America saw itself as the "good guys" of

the war. By 1969, the supposed quick war was not over, the amounts of

American casualties were rising, and the cost of War had increased the

amount of taxes, which frustrated the American people. The

participation of the United States in the Vietnam War was

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the subject of much debate with the American Public throughout the

duration of the war.

The war in Vietnam did not cause any direct harm on the United States.

The conflict was between the Vietcong, rebel communists in North

Vietnam, and the South Vietnamese. The U.S. became involved to prevent

the spread of communism. America had confidence they could go into

Vietnam and stop the communist with no problem, because they had won

every war they entered, they had the best army and air force, and were

the richest country at the time. The USSR was also a communist country

at the time. The U.S. disliked the USSR, because they had different

beliefs than th...

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...rican taxpayers had to pay for it.

Students were against the war because after the African Americans,

they were the next to be drafted. The students saw the Vietnam War as

something they could fight against. They held peaceful

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demonstrations and protests at universities all across the country.

In conclusion, the American Public turned against the war in Vietnam

because the U.S. military would not have been able to win the war. The

war had lasted much longer then anyone had expected and America had

lost many men. The media coverage of the war also convinced people the

war needed to end. People today still remember the horrible pictures

and footage displayed on the nightly news. The U.S. got involved in

1965 to stop the threat of communism and by 1975, the war was over and

the U.S. was defeated.

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