Waking Up In Middle School

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Imagine getting to wake up later every Monday! Waking up early on Monday's after the weekend is really hard on students, it would be way better Getting up early is hard because most students are normally super tired in the morning and don't want to get up so early. You would not be so crabby every morning now! Since we would have a late start this wouldn't happen anymore. This is something both teachers and students should get to have every Monday. This is why we need to have a late start Monday at Middle School South. There are many things to consider about having a later start. let's start out with benefits, than problems, next is solving problems, and last is other schools.

There are many benefits on having a late start and on Monday. First, it will improve students test scores, according to KQED website “Studies have shown that middle and high school students with adequate amounts of sleep, 8-10 hours, have better test scores.” This helps with students grades, because in most classes what you get on your test is more than 50% of your grade.Next, It will help students and teachers be more engaged, this quote was from Magna website, …show more content…

First, students grades will be better a quote from academic performances, “8:30 a.m. start time, there has been a 53 percent drop in the number of failing grades, and the number of days students were suspended for disciplinary reasons dropped from 166 to 19.” This shows that students grades have been improving since they have had a late start. Next, teachers and students can focus better, this example was from Nea Today, “Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” This quote is saying that if students and teachers were to go to bed at the same time as they normally would and got to wake up later that they would be focused and get a better job in the future. Finally, students won't be as tired during there morning

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