Vietnam Wall Essay

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Symbolism when used accordingly, can give authors the power to captivate readers with a single sentence, but how is it used? Before understanding the use of symbolism, it is important to distinguish what it is. Symbolism is taking an object or idea and giving it a much deeper, significant meaning. Learning how to correctly and entrancingly symbolize can have a reader hooked on every single word, start to finish. Now knowing what symbolism is, and how to use it, exploring the different ways the authors have been infatuating their reader from word one with the theme of unity will be much easier. “Vietnam Wall” has a substantial amount of symbolism, and is a perfect example on the appropriate ways to use it. In the poem “Vietnam Wall”, the structure of the poem itself can be an act of symbolism. At first, the pronouns used were I and them and it was written as a single person with one point of view. However, towards the end of the poem, the author started using the pronouns we and us. This symbolizes that although people might go in alone into whatever life throws, in this case war, they will always come out together and united. “Vietnam Wall” continues to intrigue its readers and display the theme of unity with this emotional symbolism. …show more content…

Anna Quindlen is making the point that America is on, big quilt. While the quilt as a whole represents America, the individual pieces represent the individuals that make up America. No matter the different shapes, colors, and designs on these individual scraps of fabric, they can all come together and make something beautiful. This goes to show that regardless of how different people are, it is possible to unite and make an extraordinary thing. Symbolism can be an important part of making a good story great, Anna Quindlen knew that and managed to use it to her advantage to display unity in “Quilt of a

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