Types of Effective Communication

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There are types of communication that we use in our daily life, which are: verbal and non-verbal communication. The way you react to those communications is effective too. Both of these types of communication can be very effective when you communicate with someone or people. Effective communication also depends on who we are talking and whether we agree with what they are saying. Effective communication can solve this friendship breakdown. Non-verbal communication with you friend could be: eye contact, body language (positive and negative), posture, , facial expressions and head movements. Non-verbal communication can be misinterpreted.
Self concept is the way you see yourself and feel. This allows you to see how similar and different you are compared to your friend. Self-esteem plays a big part in self-concept, if we have a good self-esteem we can communicate positively. The image of self is influenced by the culture and social environment that we are in. Reflected appraisal is when you look at yourself in a way that you imagine other will see you. We have set of values that are already established in our self-concept that is hard to change when we receive feedback which means they go distorted. My friend doesn’t agree with me but the feedback my friend gave me may not agree with the values that I have therefore the feedback goes distorted.
In this friendship breakdown we might tend to judge them when we not suppose to (Matthew 7:1-5). We face weak communications when your perception is always right that leads to misunderstanding like this friendship problem. When I communicate with my friend, I need to be careful about the
• Sudden judgements
• Seeing the negative things in my friend than the positive things

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...and always think about those good memories that I had with them and positive things that my friend has.
• Contribute to this friendship so this means talking to my friend openly and calmly about how much dedication and cooperation this relationship needs

The Johari Window

The Johari Window is a mode that maps our personality; Figure 1 shows the mapping of my personality. When we talk about relationship communication we need to be aware that we give our 1st priority to God and communicate with him more than anyone else in our life because we know that he is the author of our life and he died to save us. After God we need to give our 2nd priority to relationships that are most important to us like spouse, parents, siblings and best friends. This means that I might give my 2nd priority to friend who I know for 5 years or probably my friend might be my 3rd priority.

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