Transformational Leadership

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Transformational Leadership Tom Rath explains in his book, StrenghtsFinder 2.0 (2007), that identifying and capitalizing on one’s strengths makes for a more fulfilled and effective employee, further benefitting the employing organization. Rath states that when in a position not utilizing our strengths, we are six times more likely to be disengaged in our work. Studies show that this disengagement or dissatisfaction carries over into our personal lives affecting our health and personal relationships. As a matter of self-knowledge, I have taken the Clifton StrenghtsFinder assessment, my five top strengths were revealed. Rath explains that my results are unique to me. Even though others may share one or more of the strengths identified for me, they may be manifested in other ways. As an Achiever, the assessment explains that I am a self-motivated, hard worker who can spend hours studying, reading, and researching. I enjoy sharing my knowledge and skills through coaching, mentoring, or training. I set lofty goals for myself and relentlessly pursue them. Additionally, the strength Futuristic was identified. This indicates that I am always examining what I can fix or do better. I become bored with tradition and doing things just because that is the way they have always been done. I focus on what is possible for the future. Additionally, I enjoy group problem solving. As a Learner, I seek knowledge and to understand. I am continually questioning and have done so since a small child. I love learning from history. I spend time examining problems or glitches. Manifestations of the strength, Input, are that I love to read and learn, sometimes multiple books at a time. I like to gather new ideas, approaches, concepts, or techno... ... middle of paper ... them in their positions. Rath (2007), explained in his book, StrengthsFinder 2.0, that those who are most engaged in their work and more successful are those who naturally exhibit the strengths appropriate for the positions they hold. This is particularly true for transformational leaders. References Rath, T. (2007). StrengthsFinder 2.0. New York, NY: Gallup Press. Casida, J., & Parker, J. (2011). Staff nurse perceptions of nurse manager leadership styles and outcomes. Journal of Nursing Management, 19(), 478-486. Grant, B., Colello, S., Riehle, M., & Dende, D. (2010). An evaluation of the nursing practice environment and successful change management using the new generation Magnet Model. Journal of Nursing Management, 18(), 326-331. Tomlinson, J. (2012, July). Exploration of transformational and distributed leadership. Nursing Management, 19(4), 30-34.

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