Strength And Weakness Analysis

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Strengths Assessment Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. As Roth states in Strengths Finder 2.0, we as a present day world tend to focus on and try to overcome our weaknesses rather that building up our strengths. Using our natural talents can help us do the best we can and help us be a better asset. After taking the strengths assessment, I found that my top five strengths themes ended up being: relator, discipline, competition, responsibility, and significance. I believe that these themes align with strengths I have. Some of them I find more fitting but they all match me and my natural abilities. Knowing my strengths helps me learn what I need to focus on in order to excel in the future. My first strength was the relator theme. …show more content…

I found that some of the examples did not fit but in general I could relate to this as a strength theme. While I find myself sometimes having trouble focusing and waiting until a deadline is right in front of me, I do make sure to get things done. I almost always follow through and on the off chance I cannot, I make sure to make it up to that person one way or another. In these cases, I cannot apologize enough for my mistake and feel terrible about letting them down and not being able to follow through. It is my responsibility to own up to my actions and apologize for failures. Morals and ethics are a big part of this. If I find that something is going on that I cannot morally agree with, I will not support it. I believe in doing what is right at all times in effort to be responsible and a good asset to any team I’m on. Growing up, I had trouble saying no as I wanted to be involved in everything and take care of every task that came my way. I remember my dad telling me that I could be the person who tries all trades but masters none. While I still find myself volunteering for many things, I have learned to double check that I can take on a task or activity and do the best I can without causing trouble with my current involvements. I try to stay responsible by making sure that I don’t overdo it. Responsibility will definitely help me in the future as employers always look to make sure that employees are following guidelines and following through with what they say they will do. Enthusiasm to take responsibility will help me do a great

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