Clifton's Strengthfinder Research Paper

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Clifton’s Strengthfinder urges people to focus on their strengths rather than their shortcomings in order to reach their full potential. Finding one’s strengths can be beneficial in all aspects of life, including in the work place. My top strength is WOO, which stands for “winning others over.” People with this strength love meeting others and thrive in social situations. My favorite quote from the book to describe woo is, “… Once that connection has been made, you are quite happy to move on.” That one statement has accurately described my professional life thus far; I love meeting new people and easily bore when bound to a routine. It is difficult to perform to my best ability when I am bored, I have found that the best way for me to combat boredom is by keeping a flexible schedule and focusing on short-term projects. Adaptability plays right into my need for this “live in the moment” lifestyle. In the professional world, unforeseen circumstances may arise and we have to make changes accordingly. …show more content…

Both would allow me to spend my time with different people and have a varying schedule that keeps my woo and adaptability tendencies happy. This ability to connect with students helps put those who are stressed at ease by highlighting common ground. Networking with other professionals can help build a solid team making collaborative efforts easier. I found it interesting that this ability to connect is possibly due to another top strength of mine, empathy. Characterized by the ability to understand how a person is feeling and why, even when their view do not align with my

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