Tolstoy Three Questions

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There are some very important questions that everyone ask about life. “The Three Questions” by Leo Tolstoy can help give people the answers that they yearn for. What is the right time, who are the right people, and what is the most important thing to do? People ask questions along these lines all the time, but reading this story can help answer them. The characters in this story are the king, various men who try to answer his questions, the hermit, and a wounded man. The main conflict of this story is the king searching for the answer to his three questions. Various men try to answer them but they all give him different answers. The king does not give up and keeps searching for his answer when he comes to the hermit. Finally the king resolves this conflict and finds his …show more content…

This also is an example of characterization how the king stays consistent when searching for the answer to his questions. The king also stays motivated by his lust for being a righteous person and making the right decisions. All of these help form the plot of the story which is the king searching to find the answers to three questions he has multiple men tried to answer but they were all different. Finally the king goes to the hermit, saves a man’s life and figures out the answers to his question. The summary of this is very intriguing, and answers are far different than one would imagine. The king starts his journey by wondering when the right time, who are the right people, is and what is the most important thing to do? The king thinks if he knows the answer to these questions he would be able to do anything without failing. The king offers a reward to anyone who can answer these questions, multiple men try, but their answers are all

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