Literary Devices Identified In Hamlet's Soliloquy

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Literary Devices Identified in Hamlet’s Soliloquy O, what a rogue and peasant slave am I! Metaphor The purpose of a metaphor is to compare the similarities between two different ideas. In the soliloquy, Shakespeare accentuates the shared characteristics between Hamlet and a submissive servant. Hamlet submits to his cowardice and falls victim to his tendency to reflect on his profound thoughts instead of acting upon them. Additionally, he accuses himself as a troublesome scoundrel. He views himself as a criminal although he had not done anything indictable yet. This metaphor introduces Hamlet’s perception in his current emotional state to the audience. Yet I, A dull and muddy-mettled rascal, peak, Like John-a-dreams, unpregnant of my cause, And can …show more content…

Tweaks me by the nose? gives me the lie i' the throat, As deep as to the lungs? who does me this? Rhetorical Question A rhetorical question is used to provoke thought rather than receiving an answer. Shakespeare’s use of this literary device lets the audience question how Hamlet may go about in his whole ordeal. He is perplexed as to why he has not inflicted revenge on his uncle Claudius yet. He does not see an explicit intention to avenge his father that he should become a rogue and murder the new king. His overall perception of himself is that he is a pusillanimous coward. He would drown the stage with tears Hyperbole The purpose of a hyperbole is to exaggerate a statement. In the soliloquy, Shakespeare stresses King Claudius’s inflated reaction to the previous king’s death. Hamlet was furious as he thought back to Claudius’s fabricated response, fooling the entire population of Denmark, including Gertrude and himself. Claudius’s overwhelming tears and cracking voice made for an incredibly realistic performance. This hyperbole demonstrates to the audience how enraged Hamlet feels after being deceived by someone whom he once trusted, slowly fueling his desire for

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