To Kill A Mockingbird Essay On Scout Being A Hero

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Throughout the novel, Lee shows that children can be heroes too. Scout, though she was young, showed the courage that no one thought a child could possess. During this time especially, more people spent time judging others, rather than trying to help them. It would take a truly selfless person to help others even if it resulted in breaking the norm, which Lee portrays through Scout. If she had not been brave enough to do what was right, she could have lost both her father and Tom Robinson’s life during the incident at the county jail. “Hey Mr. Cunningham. How's your entailment gettin' along?” . . . He seemed uncomfortable; he cleared his throat and looked away. . . “What's wrong?” I asked. Atticus said nothing. I looked around and up at Mr. Cunningham, …show more content…

He squatted down and took me by both shoulders. “I'll tell him you said hi little lady,” he said. Then he straightened up and waved a big paw. ¨Let's clear out,” he called. “Let's get going boys” (Lee 204-206). If it hadn't been for Scout's impeccable courage there could have been an entirely different outcome. If she and Jem had left when asked, Atticus would have been facing more than he was able to handle. If she had not approached Walter Cunningham, matters between the two groups would have been significantly worse. Simple actions like these made a big difference in the end. If she had not decided to be a hero in the moment, there is no telling what would have went down that night. After being walked on over by the grown men, she was the last person we expected to come in and save the day. In the end, she overcame the odds and showed the courage that even some grown men are not able to muster up. Another child that was fearless in his actions was Jem. He set out to protect his younger sister Scout many times. Whether it be to keep her from fighting, or even keeping her safe when Bob Ewell attacked them. ¨Be quiet,’ he said, and I knew he was not joking. . . . 'Jem are you

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