The Importance Of Specialization In Education

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Currently, there is a huge push for students to specialize in something and focus on it, during their four year degree. The problem is that no one can predict the future job market, so it is very easy for someone to specialize in the wrong thing. Then not have the proper skills to do the job actually out there. So parents and students need to be “venture capitalist” and check to make sure the student is in a school that is productive. That they aren’t listening to mass pulls in the job market, being careful what they specialize in, and delaying specialization for as long as possible(436).
To begin, research the schools the student is applying for thoroughly and ensure that their graduation rate, job placement rate, starting salaries and resources …show more content…

For example technology fields have gone from “boom to bust” quickly (437). And when a field is pushed by universities everyone jumps on, and it “can rapidly create and kill fields” (437). When the supply goes up, the demand goes down, and the specialized degrees are a waste. But “caution isn’t common” and universities refuse to keep quiet about this information because they have the incentive of increasing their applicants (437). So do not fall into mass movement and get your education in the exact same thing as everyone else going to the university. Doing so will lead to failure to find work once the student …show more content…

If a student specializes, he or she limits their flexibility in the job market and some “skills don’t transfer easily” (437). It also causes the students to miss out on education that might expand their abilities, because their focus is so narrow. These specialized majors force students to pick careers before they are even legal adults and at that age “they don’t know much of anything about their interests and abilities” (438). Furthermore that specialization only helps with the first job, but after that it is based on “actual work experience.” If students and parents focus on the work experience they will be attractive to companies and have a good chance at getting a

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