Why I Want To Be A National Guard Officer Essay

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While your college major does not necessarily dictate the course of your life, conducting research into a specific field of interest can help a student make a wise choice. Being a National Guard Officer, for example, incorporates being physical and mental disciplined and tough. It is helpful to understand the daily tasks of a National Guard Officer, the different fields of the National Guard, and how to become one. It also helps to talk to someone who is involved and has already gone through the process of becoming a part of the National Guard.
Whether if it’s their choice or their parent’s choice for them it makes a big impact on a student’s decision on their choice of career. Many times a student is forced by their parents to chose a certain major so they can take over the family business or to complete their parent’s dreams that they never got to fulfill themselves, but the ones that can chose their own major are usually the happiest college students out there because they aren’t drowning in their parents expectations. Casey Phillips said, “In fact about 10 percent tell her they don’t …show more content…

But just because they get a degree that they don’t directly use doesn’t mean they aren’t happy about where they are now. Casey also discovered that according to the CareerBuilder study, about two-thirds (64 percent) of respondents working outside their field said they’re happy with what they chose to study. But most employers now a days don’t really care what your degree is in, they will hire you as long as you have a college education, that’s all they care about now (Phillips). But in the end it doesn’t matter if you work in your degree field or not, as long as you in enjoy what you do then you know you are where you were meant to

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