The Importance Of Gym Candy By Carl Deuker

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I still remember vividly the day my mom, sister, and I found out my dad had passed away. The day was May 28th, 2009. Our local policeman pulled into our driveway and asked to see my mom and me. He then went on to tell us it would be best if we sat down and he spilled the news about my dad. After my father’s passing, I struggled in school. I struggled to understand the point in school and why I needed to learn the things that teachers were trying to teach me. I was fortunate enough to have a very understanding English teacher that just so happened to be my teacher for three years straight from seventh grade into my freshman year of high school. Mrs. Irwin inserted the importance of reading and writing into my life. In Mrs. Irwin’s class, I was able to connect with the book Gym Candy by Carl Deuker which led me to find my own personal tastes in literature. When my father passed I was in fifth grade, ten years old at the time. I was not old enough to fully understand the significance of something like that. With saying that, I had a great-fifth grade teacher that helped me to overcome the different complications I had during that time. These complications included built up anger and, of course, not wanting to do school …show more content…

The book is about a kid named Mick who is in high school playing football and trying to be just like his dad. His dad played college football and made it into the NFL. Mick was trying to follow in his father’s shoes and be even more successful then he was. Mick became his high school’s starting running back and at this point, he knew he needed to gain more muscle to be able to take more hits. He begins taking steroids without telling anyone. This initiated side effects that his friends and others started noticing. Mick attempted to commit suicide because he thought he ran out of chances and let his team down. He later was admitted to a rehabilitation center and was cured of the addiction to

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