Personal Narrative: The Person Who Changed My Life

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When I was younger, I had friends, but I was the person who did not want to dance at birthday parties. I was someone who enjoyed talking to the lunch moms instead of playing on the playground. I was shy and my mom handled everything for me. Until now, I did not know how much work went into raising me. I never knew that there were deadlines to paying bills or that appointments had to be made in advance, but everything changed one morning when I woke up to the blaring sound of my mom’s alarm. I was confused because she was a light sleeper, and I became anxious. I ran into her room, and immediately I knew something was wrong. The death of my mother during the first month of my eighth grade year, as a single event, did not instantly mark my transition to adulthood, but it did change my life forever. My mother died before she was able to watch me graduate middle school, before she was able to teach me how to drive, and before she was able to share all of her wisdom. Her death was the most painful experience I have ever encountered, but I was lucky enough …show more content…

With the help of my friends and family, I began to heal. I believe that it was at this point that I began to truly grow up. I no longer thought of myself as a shy, dependent young girl. I was developing into an independent young adult. It was now I that was responsible for knowing when events were such as when homework was due, and as much as I wanted to give up, I knew that I had to keep trying. I reminded myself that while a tragic event did happen to me, it did not have to define me. My initial goal was just to do what would have made my mom proud. Being the second month of school, I was involved in many different programs. I was attending an eighth program at the high school for math and science in addition to my middle school courses, swimming on a competitive swim team, and adjusting to living in a new house with different

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