The Importance Of Communication And Effective Communication

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Communication is the transmission or exchange of information. To effectively communicate a person must transmit a message using verbal & nonverbal methods to a recipient who interprets the meaning and returns with a response. It is a two-way process. Being able to talk and listen this does not guarantee the desired goals will be met, if the participants are unable to their ideas, problems, or needs during the communication process. Attempts to communicate is not always effective and when it fails we must look at the principle component as to why the exchange was misunderstood. These failures can be related to internal, external, and semantic barriers, also known as noise. These ‘noises” prevent the message from being heard and interpreted …show more content…

Youstra’s passing and stated that room 406 was “was all set to go again” and proceeded to comment on how much the space was needed. This is a prime example of ineffective communication. Not only is Nurse Fleming’s statement unclear and nonspecific, it left many openings for misinterpretation. Does this mean the room is ready for the next patient? Has everything been done following policy and protocol? Anne responded “that’s for sure”. Anne’s response was unproductive, vague, and indirect. This could leave the speaker wondering if Anne understood what was said. However, Anne continued the conversation with a question regarding another patient’s care and how the Dr. Alper’s was unhappy the patient had not received the appropriate attention yesterday. She then dismissed the encounter with a brief “you know how he is” comment. Many barriers can be seen in this brief encounter between the two supervisors. Nurse Fleming is at the end of shift she may be tired and overworked, emotional barriers may be present as a patient just passed away, and the words she chose to use can have multiple meanings or interpretations. There could be many unseen reasons for Anne’s ineffective listening skills and lack of constructive feedback, she is just beginning her shift, she may not be feeling well, or she may have poor communication skills. Each of these explanations can lead to inappropriate interpreting of a message and crucial information being

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