Professional Communication For Nurses

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Introduction. Communication involves the exchange of messages and is a process which all individuals participate in. Whether it is through spoken word, written word, non-verbal means or even silence, messages are constantly being exchanged between individuals or groups of people (Bach & Grant 2009). All behaviour has a message and communication is a process which individuals cannot avoid being involved with (Ellis et al 1995). In nursing practice, communication is essential, and good communication skills are paramount in the development of a therapeutic nurse/patient relationship. This aim of this essay is to discuss the importance of communication in nursing, demonstrating how effective communication facilitates a therapeutic nurse/patient relationship. This will be achieved by providing a definition of communication, making reference to models of communication and explaining how different types of communication skills can be used in practise. In order to engage in meaningful communication and develop effective communication skills, nurses must engage in the process of reflecting on how communication skills are utilised in practise. Reflection allows the nurse opportunity to gain a deeper insight into personal strengths and weaknesses and to address any areas of concern in order to improve future practise (Taylor 2001). A further aim will be to reflect on how communication skills have been utilised within nursing practise. Various models of reflection will be examined, and a reflective account of a personal experience which occurred during placement will be provided using a model. This reflective account will involve a description the incident, an analysis of thoughts and feelings and an evaluation of what has occurred. Fin... ... middle of paper ... ...ds of Care for Health Visiting. Middlesex: Royal College of Nursing Schubert, P.E. (2003) Caring, Communication and Client Teaching/Learning. In: Hitchcock, J.E., Schubert, P.E. & Thomas, S.A. Community Health Nursing, Caring in Action (2nd Edn). New York: Delaware Learning, pp. 219- 248 Scriven, A. (2005) Health Promoting Practice. Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan Siviter, B. (2008) The Newly Qualified Nurses Handbook. A Survival Guide. Edinburgh: Balliere Tindall Elsevier Webster, C. & French, J. (2002) The Cycle of Conflict. The History of Public Health and Health Movements London: Sage Weller, B.F. (2002) Bailliere’s Nurses’ Dictionary. (23rd Edn) Elsevier: Edinburgh. Welsh Assembly Government. (2005) Healthcare Standards for Wales, Making Connections, Designed for Life. World Health Organisation (1989). Nursing Leadership for health for all. Geneva: WHO.

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