The Importance Of Communication And Communication

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Introduction – Thesis Statement:
Advice should always be taken with a grain of salt due to every individual, and every individual relationship differing one another. One constant denominator of any successful relationship is quality conversation and communication. Maintaining the ability to self-disclose and affectively communicate will allow any couple to grow together, instead of growing apart. Any human being, regardless of race, religion, sex, sexual orientation desires to be listened to, understood, and cared for. To maintain and succeed in any intimate relationship affective efforts in communication must be taken.

Body Paragraph #1:
∗ Assess their personal communications and improve their communication competencies.
One cannot succeed in any interpersonal relationship, let alone an intimate relationship, if they cannot assess, define, and improve their own communication competencies. One must recognize were they are deficient, define why they are deficient, and create avenues to improve upon those deficiencies. Self-concept plays a vital role in self-assessment. “Self-concept can be defined as an appraisal of your own attributes and competencies.” (Sole, 2011). Self-conception can prove to be a difficult task in and of itself because one must be brutally honest with themselves; but having the ability to recognize one’s shortcomings in regards to communication creates the foundation for the success of improvements. Those improvements will inevitably create a strong, positive sense of self. A strong sense of self, personal identity, or self-image will determine how interactions and communications will unfold and contribute to any interpersonal relationship (Sole, 2011)
Body Paragraph #2:
∗ Develop strategies for active,...

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...he best way to handle the issue” (Sole, 2011). Although removing yourself may only provide temporary relief to the conflicted situation, it allows time for both parties to calm down and logically gather their own thoughts, instead of verbally and physically lashing out of emotion.

Conclusion – Thesis Statement:
One constant denominator of any successful relationship is quality conversation and communication. Maintaining the ability to self-disclose and affectively communicate will allow any couple to grow together, instead of growing apart. In any successful and happy relationship both parties must feel loved, understood, and trusted. Self-disclosing will create an environment understanding and a trust; while effective listening will display care and love. By practicing, utilizing, and maintaining these two key components any relationship will benefit tremendously.

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