What Does It Take To Be An Entrepreneur Essay

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What does it take to be an entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur isn’t just a business owner or a boss, they are someone who has seen an opportunity. Someone who has noticed a demand that is currently unsatisfied. Or invented a product that makes life easier for people. With this in mind, it can safely be said that an entrepreneur is someone who is innovative and able to see opportunities that many others don’t yet believe in.

You will often find that someone in this position has a lot of self-belief. It is inevitable that people who try something new or different will face opposition. This means that the type of individual who becomes an entrepreneur has to have confidence in what they are trying to achieve. It doesn’t mean that they should ignore …show more content…

If entrepreneurs want to make a success of a new e-commerce business, for example, they have to remain focused and committed to making it a reality. Most new ideas that require people to be convinced or won over require a lot of work. This could come in the form of making prototypes, providing statistics and figures that support claims, not including the long hours. While an entrepreneur can rely on others for support and skills, they have to undertake a lot of work by themselves; not only largely due to financial costs but also to make sure the vision is carried out exactly as they …show more content…

This means that they need to inspire others, which shouldn’t be a problem due to the passion they already have for their business. Communication skills and the ability to get on with people are essential here. Being able to communicate a vision and instil excitement for it in others are so important for motivating a team. Many entrepreneurs are also managers, but it is important to know that leaders are not always managers and vice versa. A successful entrepreneur will connect with their team, sharing their goals and successes. For an individual in this position, a lack of funding may require them to take on all of these roles but if it is outside of their remit or skill-set, a true leader will know when they have to delegate work and important roles to

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