The Homework Epidmeic

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Most people would say torture for children is illegal, yet homework is still being assigned today. Everyone can remember their high school and college years when many had to pull all-nighters studying and finishing that last project. However, to what purpose? How many people use Pythagorean Theorem every day? Alternatively, chemiosmosis? The assignments that teachers are giving to students for homework not only have no impact in students’ learning, it can harm them physically, mentally, and in their family life.
Contrary to the popular belief of homework leading to parent and child bonding, research supports that it tears families apart. Fran Moriarty, in her article “Reasons Why Students Should Not Have Homework” explains that kids are upset, and “whining, crying, and disparaging remarks unsettle a peaceful home life” (1). With very little time to do anything other than schoolwork, kids often only see their parents for help in school. A leading figure in the field of education and human behavior, in his article “Down With Homework”, dictates that, “Many mothers and fathers spend ev...

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