Why Homework Is Bad

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Homework, why it's bad Think about this: An employe is working for 8 hours then there boss asks u to go home and do a two hour of work and they have two kids at home that need to still eat dinner and one of them have to go to basketball practice and the other has to go to work at the same time and they have to finish the job their boss gave them.This is how some students feel they go to should eight hours a day then go home and have to do more work but at the same time they have something they need to do other than do more school work. According to the author in the article why homework is bad for kids states a lot of reasons why homework is bad for kids one of the main reasons is that kids are too overwhelmed with homework that they drop out of school is because of conflicts at home between parents and children about homework and missing and Incomplete homework from school that is bringing down there grade. …show more content…

I have a job and some days I have no time to do my homework so when i'm in a different class I try to rush and finished then I get a bad grade on it just because i did want a late grade. Another thing is sports Im in sports and after practice or a game i have no time to work on my homework and get it all done. According to another author from the article in article kids learn too much states that kids are learning why to much higher than ever before we are learning stuff that we are meant to learn in a year or two but we are learning it way too early. Our parents have no idea how to help us with our homework if we have no clue how to do it. Like myself I go home and ask my parents for help and neither one of them know how to do it so I have to look it up on my phone or the internet and that doesn't help me I still don't know how to do it and then i end up doing really bad in the long run on my

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