The Giver Conclusion

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In The Giver, by Lois Lowry, the reader is left with an uncertain ending about what happens to the main character of the story, Jonas, and his little friend, Gabriel. The plot of a story usually ends with a resolution, where the conflict of the story is resolved; however, this is clearly not the case with The Giver. It is not possible to be completely certain on the ending of this book by reading this story alone; however, it is possible to gather the evidence and assume what likely occurred in the ending of The Giver. One cannot be sure on what happened at the ending of The Giver; however, I believe that Jonas and Gabriel did not survive. I also believe that there could have been a more effective ending to the story; I highly disagree with Lois Lowry’s choice of leaving it up to the reader to decide what happens in the ending of the story, for it leaves too many unanswered questions. Overall, I did not enjoy the ending of The Giver due to its ambiguity.
Personally, I believe that Jonas and Gabriel ended up dying in the freezing cold, while starving and going insane; I also have various reasons to back this theory up. Firstly, on pages 171-172, it states that Jonas and Gabriel begin to starve; this could mean that they would also end up losing their sanity and even possibly see illusions. Furthermore, all throughout chapter 23, it explains that Jonas and Gabriel are agonizingly cold while surrounded by a snowy environment. This may lead to Jonas and Gabriel to lose their sanity and see illusions as well. At the very end of the story, Jonas is able to see “Elsewhere,” the place they left the community to search for. However, it is possible that Jonas is seeing nothing but an illusion. Along with all of this, Jonas is used to livin...

... middle of paper ... as a hero.”
In conclusion, Lois Lowry’s ending of The Giver was poorly thought through and her decision of leaving it up to the reader to decide what shall happen was not the right choice and likely just a lazy excuse. If a story’s resolution is not properly done, as is the case with The Giver, then the reader will be left uncertain with what truly occurs. When readers are finished with The Giver, they are left with unanswered questions, such as what happens to Jonas and Gabriel and whether they die or not. This question could be answered by using evidence, yet, it cannot be confirmed, for anything could occur. Using evidence, it would seem likely that Jonas and Gabriel would have died. I find that The Giver was an outstanding book in general, however, I dislike the ending as it does not explain what happens to the community or what happens to Jonas and Gabriel.

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