Hope In The Giver

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In The Giver, Gabriel symbolizes hope. For example, Gabe has different eyes like Jonas and the Giver. Lily states, “‘And he has funny eyes like yours, Jonas’”(25). They have the same eyes, so that means there was a genetic engineering failure, and Gabe can see beyond like Jonas. That’s why Gabe can receive. Lois Lowry narrated, “He was not aware of giving the memory...it was sliding through his hand into the being of the newchild”(147). Everyone else in The Giver, besides Jonas and the Giver, don’t have feelings of love. They live in a world without pain, but at the cost of their individuality and freedom. Gabe gives Jonas hope for a better community, and life. The City of Ember describes the future as a bleak, lackluster world of decay. Doon …show more content…

For example, the mayor steals food from the citizens of Ember. Doon declares, “‘ The mayor has a secret treasure room in the pipeworks’”(158). The mayor, instead of helping the city like he should, is just using all of the cities supplies for himself. He believes that their city is dying, so he wants to enjoy it while he can. Lina and Doon also discover that Looper and the guards are in on it too. “‘It was Looper’...the guards, too, were getting things from the storerooms”(160)(201). Now all of them are being greedy and unfair to everyone else in Ember. The people that are supposed to be helping Ember stay alive, are just helping it die faster. Lina and Doon decide that they have to do something about this. The Giver teaches us that love is essential. For example, the Giver transfers the memory of love to Jonas by showing him Christmas. “‘Warmth...and happiness. And-let me think. Family. That was a celebration of some sort, a holiday. And something else-I can’t quite get the word for it’”, Jonas described, (155). The word he couldn’t think of was love. In the world Jonas lives in, there is no love. After Jonas learns about love, he starts showing it to other people. He loves Gabe so much that when he leaves the community, he takes Gabe with

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