The Fighter In Me

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The summer of 2004 I had just turned 13 years old. I was like any other kid my age, always running around with my friends, eating junk, and of course being a kid. I had hit puberty four years earlier at the age of nine. I knew that I would start growing breasts and developing into a young woman. My mom was taking care of my three brothers and I in Minneapolis Minnesota. My father was in Jail at that time and was not involved in our lives that much, he was a recovering drug and alcoholic. My mom married a man we shall call Kevin, Kevin was like a father figure and did things for us that our dad was not able to do at that time. I’ve always had a bad feeling about Kevin, in fact when he proposed to my mom I told them I did not want to be in their wedding, I don’t know if it was because he wasn’t my dad or if it was truly because kids can tell when someone has ill intentions. However, my mom loved Kevin and so that meant we had to love Kevin as well for my mom’s happiness, time went by and Kevin grew on my brothers and I, we loved him like a father. I was starting 8th grade that year, which was the same year it was my mom and Kevin’s one-year marriage anniversary. On that day, I was in a garage with people I thought were my friends. What happened in that garage changed my life. I was raped , I constantly said no, I was terrified at what would happen if I told my mom, what would go through her mind, what would happen to me, what would the other kids think if they found out. That day has been hidden inside me for ten years and not a soul has been told. The next day the brother to the rapist was told that I had a train ran on me, and he wanted to have sex with me. He already passed the age of 18. He was a friend so while everyone else wa...

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... pretended to be looking over me, as my mom walked in the room and asked him what he was doing he lied and said he was checking on us. My mom woke me up and asked what was going on and if he had touched me and I defended him and said no, I said no. What was going through my mind at that time, I honestly could not tell you because I do not know myself. Therefore, for months you could tell it was awkward and that my mom did not believe Kevin or I at all. They split up and we moved and he followed us, he would pop up out of nowhere and try to ease his way back in to our lives but my mom was not having that. It was the beginning of the new year and my brother, mom, and I were sitting at the table and I came clean about everything and it was nothing but tears and sadness at the table that night. My mom hugged me so tight and said she was sorry, she just kept saying sorry.

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