Las Vegas: A Short Story

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When I walked out of the door of my trailer home I just wanted to run and keep running. I didn't want to look back and see my mother throwing random stuff from the house at me. She blamed me for everything wrong in her life from her unwanted pregnancy to my father leaving us at the age of nine. He wasn't the best, he ignored me like I wasn't there and hit my mother when he got the feeling. Then he just decided he couldn't handle us anymore and just left with out saying an-ything. Just grabbed his keys and hit the road. Good, I didn't want him in my life anyways, he would have more likely pushed me over the edge sooner then my mom was doing. The only time I didn't hear her yell was when I wasn't home, which is what I was doing right at that …show more content…

The tea gone and discarded in a can back on 3rd. I pulled my hood down and let the lights take over my view, it was like walking into heaven. Las Vegas is known for its lights and the screwed decisions people make. It made me laugh at all the newly wedded couples, bet they don't even know each others hometown or last name. It made me think of my stupid decisions growing up, of all of them, meeting Jasmine was the worst. I met her in high school, I was hanging at the park with some friends and my buddy Ty introduced her to me. I wasn't gonna lie she was very attractive, she was curvy and tan. We start-ed talking and I learned she was from a bad home where her mom brought men around her and used them for what they had, she told me she would never do that to someone she loved. We started dating not to soon after that and everyone warned me that Jasmine was going to use me just like the others and she was putting on a show, I should've listened. She cheated on me while we went out, lied to me, and stole my baby girl from me. When she went into labor I had to wait till she delivered. The nurse let me hold her, she was so tiny and frail, she had my dark hair and her mothers nose, she was so beautiful and she was mine. I fell asleep in the waiting room with her in my arms, when i woke up it was almost morning and Jas-mine and my little girl were …show more content…

The last one won me a scholarship to the Art school of my choice, but that would be effective when I was 18 and graduated. I had 5 more months and i would leave for Alabama, it was my dream place and I wanted to start over and change who i was. In school we were assigned a project to describe our dream life, then after we would be paired up to calibrate our ideas with others, my partner happened to be Sara Mclain. She was blonde beautiful and way out of my league. Her father owned a dealership in town and her mom was a cosmetologist so I knew she had money to burn. She looked like it too, she wore shirts that met her collar bone and she never wore tank tops or anything to revealing,and jeans that didn't have a single hole, as for the girls from my side, she was way different. We started on the project and we soon got to know each other, she didn't look at me like a bad influence or the menace that my rap sheet told her I was. She said that she saw a angel in a human clothing waiting to be let out so he can do more good and balance out the bad. I kissed her after she said that in the library. She saw good in me when no one else did and she treated me like a human

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