Personal Narrative: Football Homecoming Dance

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The dance floor grew quiet as people coupled up to dance with one another. Everyone found someone except for one girl who could not find the boy who promised her a dance. Several weeks before he, my crush, caught my eye and I could no longer ignore the thoughts of him in my head. Knowing the football homecoming dance quickly approached, I waited for the perfect moment to gauge his feelings about me. After a Wildcat victory, I practically skipped over to our school’s little cafeteria which twinkled with Christmas lights. Awaiting his eventual arrival, I found my friends and started dancing. Like a scene from a movie, I turned and saw him walk in which caused my heart to start racing. He made his way over to his friends and I made my way over …show more content…

Following two months of stolen glances in the hallway, he asked me to the basketball homecoming dance, the last big event before Christmas break. With a smile on my face and a skip in my heart, I blurted out, “Of course” before he could take it back. Not yet dating but friends who knew something special approached, we both prepared ourselves for our first “date” together. Both nervous but both excited for what could be, we walked from the basketball gym to that same little cafeteria. This nervousness stemmed from an unvoiced question and an uncertain answer. As the night marched on, the question traveled closer to the surface. Eventually, those words would join the rest of the magic that filled the air. Three or maybe four dances in, I could feel the question coming. The way he looked at me paired with the song playing in the background allowed me to hear the words before he spoke them. Thump thump! Thump thump! I could no longer differentiate between the bass playing through the speakers and the beat of my heart. Then it happened, he looked at me and asked, “Would you like to be my girlfriend?” and in that moment, I lost my voice. For once, I, the queen of speaking without thinking, slowly answered. I needed time to think and talk to my mom. Two days later, working out at the gym, I found my courage to answer him. I nervously pulled him aside and asked him to ask me again and he did. After I left him not knowing

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